We have a front page story up here now, and have updated the dataBase file with a slew of renderings.

I'm not sure the design is anything meaningful at this point though. The design elements likely reflect recent changes in building code rather then being some kind of architectural statement. I'm referring to the new requirement limiting window glass on residential buildings and mandatory green-roof requirements.
It's more a siteplan/massing model at this point. I wouldn't worry too much if you don't like its visual expression.

I'm really glad to see their response to the historical Walton Street through the site and the possibilities for that space.
No balconies?! HALLELU.

That, plus reconnecting the grid, is making me very excited for this project. Not sure if the massing is realistic, but it'll get settled.
So this is the third 250m+ project proposed for Yonge and Gerrard.

Between this and 385 Yonge, that's over 3000 units proposed for this corner, on top of the 985 in Aura. Nearly 4000 units at a single intersection... wow. The density here will be incredible if all three projects get built. This is definitely going to need a PATH connection, or a widening of the sidewalks on Yonge, or both.
Apparently, the design cues were taken from Steven Holl's project in China.



I hope the aA proposal gets some color like in this photo, but I doubt it.

While the architectural design is interesting, a part of me sees this application as "shoot for the sky and see what we get" type proposal with respect to the density/massing/height proposed
I hope they do use quality materials like dark toned glazed windows for that punched in window effect in see in those resent renderings. There's been too much blue green colour glass in this condo boom for curtain walls. It nice too see some up coming skyscrapers like The One, The Selby, and the recent 96 storey One Young street. Use other colours than the blue green look for curtain walls.
I've seen the architectural drawing submitted withe the development application. There appears to be no plan to connect this development to the PATH. This can't be an oversight but it is nevertheless baffling. Why wouldn't they want a connection? Why wouldn't the city insist on it?
I've seen the architectural drawing submitted withe the development application. There appears to be no plan to connect this development to the PATH. This can't be an oversight but it is nevertheless baffling. Why wouldn't they want a connection? Why wouldn't the city insist on it?
Probably holding is back as a trade-off.
