So many proposals have been appealed lately, I have to believe that hearing dates have been pushed further and further into the future. At the same time, the increasing number of post-appeal settlements would mean that a number of hearings end up as just one day, instead of one or two weeks. Hard to know how it all works out time-wise exactly…

Hopefully something happens here soon...


These towers are awful. Sorry awfully boring. They won’t compliment anything around them. The south tower should be shorter...both should have nice crowns for the location. And perhaps if design can’t change can they be black and white. Or one black one white. Only if executed really nicely will they turn out ok.
These towers are awful. Sorry awfully boring. They won’t compliment anything around them. The south tower should be shorter...both should have nice crowns for the location. And perhaps if design can’t change can they be black and white. Or one black one white. Only if executed really nicely will they turn out ok.

Can you share your crystal ball with everyone else here? Because the project was just in OMB mediation which means heights, floorplates, and separation distances are yet to be finalized, let alone any kind of design development.
Did you need to ask this in 2 separate threads?
