It's a beautiful building - or at least, it could be again, with some care. By which I mean actual, sensitive restoration work, .

+1000! It's a handsome building, and it would be all the better if they can have a Brothers diner there :)

Haha, huh?? ...are we talking about the same bldg. here:confused:

Liking this building is more of an acquired taste. I, for one, love it! It reminds me of Google's HQ in Toronto so I feel like they could definitely spruce up the existing building without ruining it, like Google did.
Liking this building is more of an acquired taste. I, for one, love it! It reminds me of Google's HQ in Toronto so I feel like they could definitely spruce up the existing building without ruining it, like Google did.

Yeah, I also don't mind this bldg. and think its OK, ...but to say its beautiful, or handsome,:eek:
All it needs is a good cleaning, repair of the brickwork, sympathetic replacement of the glazing. Great clean (early 50s?) Modern - and they used quality materials as well (e.g. look at the stone at the ground level). Dare say you can almost see Peter Clewes in it.

Nope, I mistyped, I'll correct that.
Didn't know it was on iTunes, HBO Canada (Bell Media) ain't touching it apparently. Random House didn't publish the book here, but I see it's on Amazon through Vintage.
Bell refuses to air it on HBO Canada and even pulled the episode of Real Time with Bill Maher that featured the director. They claim it is a copyright issue, but that's bull. They are scared of a lawsuit from the "Church." They've now put it on On-Demand for $7.99 though. It's excellent btw.
Here's hoping the ownership of the land is soon a matter for the courts to decide.

Yeah, I also don't mind this bldg. and think its OK, ...but to say its beautiful, or handsome,:eek:

I agree. It could looks slightly better with a new window system and after a good clean up... but that's it. Lipstick on a pig. Plus, never been a fan of that brick tone.

Fortunately the building is designated.


Yeah? I wonder, what's the story about this building?
