My dream is to see Brothers rise again at that corner storefront.

How the city hasn’t claimed it for property tax arrears, I don’t know. The organization is hard up for cash, yet owns prime real estate in every major city. Enough bad faith stalling. It’s been a decade now.

Pun intended?

Kinda hoping the bump was about the current owners finally relinquishing the building to better stewards, to put it politely...

...sadly this was not the case. I guess better luck next time. /sigh
I can't find photos of the interior of this place, but I'm convinced a scene in a popular movie from 20+ years ago was shot inside. Can anyone help?

There is an interior shot from NOW of the front counter. The back is considerably more mysterious.

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Did they even serve rice pudding? Never had it there - plenty of breakfasts and corned beef on Rye though.

Unfortunately I never had the pleasure. Fran's was my go to back in those days. All I know of Brother's is the video that I posted, though I believe Glen as he's a local.
Oh man, I remember brothers. I used to go with a couple of female high school friends and they introduced me to asking for extra mayo with a club sandwich. Brothers had squeeze bottles that they’d bring to the table. Probably shaved 15 years off my life due to that discovery. And their pickles were awesome. Not the females, but the diner’s pickles.
Oh man, I remember brothers. I used to go with a couple of female high school friends and they introduced me to asking for extra mayo with a club sandwich. Brothers had squeeze bottles that they’d bring to the table. Probably shaved 15 years off my life due to that discovery. And their pickles were awesome. Not the females, but the diner’s pickles.

Saturday mornings - either Brothers (full breakfast with a tiny glass of juice) or La Maison du Crossaint at Yonge + Charles with a big bowl of Cafe au lait.

