• Thread starter Suicidal Gingerbread Man
  • Start date
so just looking at this pages for Montreal's STM. i count using a variable liberal definition of office workers, 733 and lets say there are some other categories now listed here and we add another 1000 on top for the sake of argument and being very accommodating for all other categories not listed.. We come to 1,733 . This is just a point of comparison and before this topic gets to far OT, I'd say we keep this discussion in the TTC (other items) thread

Source: https://www.stm.info/en/press/press-releases/2011/the-stm-has-over-9-000-employees--including...
It's so awesome that they removed the L Tower crane from the renderings on their website. It will happen in reality. One day. Never, ever give up hope.
It's so awesome that they removed the L Tower crane from the renderings on their website. It will happen in reality. One day. Never, ever give up hope.

Yes, one day. They didn't remove the crane from the panoramic "view" photos.
Not sure if this is the correct place to drop this. Note: this is slightly different than most preservation applications as they are looking to also preserve parts of the interiors, which is uncommon.

Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act - 1 Front Street West

This report recommends that City Council state its intention to designate the property at 1 Front Street West containing the Dominion Public Building (the Property) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act (the Act) following its transfer from federal government ownership. The property at 1 Front Street West is managed by the Real Property Branch of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), which as a cost-saving measure has declared the property surplus and will proceed with its disposal.

In a letter dated May 29, 2015, PWGSC requested Heritage Preservation Services to assess the Property to determine whether it merits designation as an individual property under Part IV, Section 29 of the Act. The Property was designated in 1983 by the Federal Heritage Buildings Review Office (FHBRO) as a "Classified" Federal Heritage Building, the highest ranked category. It is currently subject to the Treasury Board policies concerning the management and disposition of Federal Heritage Buildings, but will no longer be subject to any federal heritage protections once it leaves the federal inventory.

The Property is listed on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register and designated under Part V of the Act as part of the Union Station Heritage Conservation District (USHCD). However, because the Federal Government is not subject to the Act, compliance on the part of the Federal Government is voluntary. The HCD designation is confined to the exterior of the building.

Designation under Part IV of the Act will enable the protection of cultural heritage value and heritage attributes, including interior features. As the Federal Government is not subject to the Act, compliance with the designation by-law will be voluntary until such time as the property changes hands.
My take on this, is that they are worried Ivanhoe Cambridge might someday want to build over-top,
...but then again, isn't there an approval from a while back for a 100 meter bldg.?
My take on this, is that they are worried Ivanhoe Cambridge might someday want to build over-top,
...but then again, isn't there an approval from a while back for a 100 meter bldg.?

No, they are concerned because if/when it is sold it will automatically lose its FEDERAL heritage protection and needs a City/Provincial designation. This is from the documents going to THB

This report recommends that City Council state its intention to designate the property at 1 Front Street West containing the Dominion Public Building (the Property) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act (the Act) following its transfer from federal government ownership. The property at 1 Front Street West is managed by the Real Property Branch of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), which as a cost-saving measure has declared the property surplus and will proceed with its disposal.

In a letter dated May 29, 2015, PWGSC requested Heritage Preservation Services to assess the Property to determine whether it merits designation as an individual property under Part IV, Section 29 of the Act. The Property was designated in 1983 by the Federal Heritage Buildings Review Office (FHBRO) as a "Classified" Federal Heritage Building, the highest ranked category. It is currently subject to the Treasury Board policies concerning the management and disposition of Federal Heritage Buildings, but will no longer be subject to any federal heritage protections once it leaves the federal inventory.

The Property is listed on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register and designated under Part V of the Act as part of the Union Station Heritage Conservation District (USHCD). However, because the Federal Government is not subject to the Act, compliance on the part of the Federal Government is voluntary. The HCD designation is confined to the exterior of the building.
There is a Community Consultation Meeting for this application scheduled for January 11, 2016. The meeting is at 7PM at the Novotel Hotel at 45 The Esplanade. I'm not sure why it doesn't list 81 Bay Street.

