• Thread starter Suicidal Gingerbread Man
  • Start date
It remains to be seen what they will do with regards to the convention centre redevelopment. I'd love to see part of the tracks covered or built over, but the rail lords that run the show down there treat that like the coming apocalypse.
I thought it was the Toronto Terminal Railways that owned the parts around Union?

From the History tab on the Toronto Terminal Railway web site:

2000 - The City of Toronto purchased Union station from TTR while Go Transit purchased the Railway corridor (USRC). TTR still maintained and operated the station, train sheds and USRC as per contract from the City and GO.
Agreed. Build over and under it.

It shouldn't be too long before developers realize they can make money from it.

It is too expensive to do so today. But there will come a day when all the cheaper land downtown is built up and at that point this will be the final frontier. Look at New York. They are finally starting to work on building on top of the Hudson Rail Yards. First step a billion dollar platform to cover the yards. This is only happening because they are running out of space for more office towers elsewhere.
This is silly. Soon enough, developers are going to realize that it will cost far less to pay for a marketing campaign to make the east side of Yonge more desirable, than it will to develop all these fantasy projects that involve decking over, tunneling, or burying of expressways. There are still a great deal of parking lots on the east side, between Adelaide and Dundas. Not to mention along Queens Quay. Those are some of the next frontiers. Any redevelopment over the rail corridor is likely 30 years or more in the future.
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From the History tab on the Toronto Terminal Railway web site:

2000 - The City of Toronto purchased Union station from TTR while Go Transit purchased the Railway corridor (USRC). TTR still maintained and operated the station, train sheds and USRC as per contract from the City and GO.

And CN retained ownership of the air rights - that's why they were involved in the building of the bridge from City Place to Front Street.
Was just walking past this site today, but nothing is happening, not even a sign I could find. Does anyone know of the current status of the 45 Bay Street proposal? Just curious, have seen some awesome renderings.
If anyone knew anything, it would have been posted.
It generates false hopes when someone posts in a stagnant thread asking if there is any news
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If anyone knew anything, it would have been posted.
It generates false hopes when someone posts in a stagnant thread asking if there is any news

Seriously, are you not capable of responding without using sarcasm, with a dash of negativity on the side? This is public forum is it not? You, are not a moderator, are you? Then, what, exactly, makes you think, in any way, you have the right to tell others what they can and can't post? I'm growing tired of your less then friendly approach to anything myself, or others say. Your incredibly arrogant response during our last chat, at least demonstrates that intelligence and knowledge does not necessisarily dictate class or common decency. So, for the last time, I ask you, at least in regards to my posts, if you have nothing positive or productive to say, then say nothing, I do not like waisting my time on rude know it alls, which is, accept it or not, exactly what you are. I'm sure those on this site aren't going to loose any sleep if I grabbed their attention with my very simple question, it's a shame you waste so much time and energy, may I suggest you join a professional site, where members like myself, won't annoy you with inappropriate questions. I promise you, this is the last ounce of energy I waste talking to you, you obviously will never acknowledge others thoughts, at least mine, and thats fine. enjoy your articulation with members who will listen to your grand knowledge of the world, I shall no more.
I'm not a mod, and I wasn't using sarcasm or telling you what you can or can't do, so that excessive hostile reaction wasn't necessary. I was just stating, as others had to tell me when I was new here, that posting in a dead thread asking if there is news will annoy the odd person.
My post pales in comparison to you calling me a "rude know it all" which is bordering on but probably not violating forum rules.
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