...not a Regency actually: this Hyatt's not regal enough.

That it isn't. Yet it still shows up as such on Trip Advisor. They may have changed the name recently.
Is this the first condo in Toronto to start construction before selling to the public? I wonder if this will influence future developments.

Berczy I think was the first TO condo to not allow for upgrades. Will be interesting to see if these two pre-construction changes pick up momentum with other developers.
March 12th


I think it's doomed to stay there forever. I can't see it getting redeveloped now that it's a lone holdout.
What, the Hyatt Regency? That's classic Toronto fugly, we can't get rid of that!

Darn tootin! That's the "Plan 9 from Outer Space" of notable Toronto buildings. Our collective sense of irony would be sadly diminished without its presence.
