My architect friend reported that the renderings for Widmer are a stark reminder that the same firm designed the New York Towers (the obscene faux beaux arts buildings at Bayview and Sheppard). Reminiscent not so much in style as in crappiness.

(But I haven't seen 'em yet)

The comparison to NY towers isn't really a fair comparison.. yes its the same firm but different architects worked on the project. I would be shocked if the consensus isn't positive when everyone gets a chance to see the renderings.
I'll give a preview of what I can remember though; the tower is concave both vertically and horizontally, so the lower floors are larger than the middle floors and the upper floors are also larger than the middle floors. Also each facade of the buildings is unique.
Everyone else may not be as enthusiastic as I am about the design, but above all else the design is 'different'
I think we're safe in that regard
btw, in case anyone was wondering... 132.5 meters to the roof and 138.5 meters to the top of the mechanical floor
Architecturefan - you've got my imagination working in high gear - and I am quite eager to see this proposal.

Is there a really cheap or even free rendering program out there? I'd love to whip up sketches based on descriptions here, then see how close I was to reality. I know about Google sketchup--for some reason that program kills my pc.
There is another public meeting on this one on June 25, 7pm Metro Hall.
My architect friend reported that the renderings for Widmer are a stark reminder that the same firm designed the New York Towers

Not to weigh in on their looks, but I would be inclined to think that there could be a resemblance, based on the fact that the Daniels Group (the very company which produced the NY Towers in North York) owns said property- or at least owns the rights to develop.

Not to weigh in on their looks, but I would be inclined to think that there could be a resemblance, based on the fact that the Daniels Group (the very company which produced the NY Towers in North York) owns said property- or at least owns the rights to develop.

Daniels is the developer, not the architect. There's no reason why these buildings would look anything alike, unless Daniels employs in-house architects, which I kind of doubt.

Daniels' Festival Tower bears no resemblance to NY Towers, for example.
Grey, you make a good point, but I was merely stating that I could see there being a possible resemblance due to the fact that Daniels is the developer. What is to say that they didn't decide to use Kirkor again? - the very architects responsible for NY Towers?

Anyways, I would hope that whatever the case, I certainly hope that Kirkor will NOT be the architects.

None of Daniel's downtown projects remotely look like what they are building in the suburban areas; likewise for Kirkor

If anything, a twin of Daniel's successful & under construction Festival Tower would make the most sense
^^That may be true about Daniels, but Kirkor that is completely a different matter. They are about as sensitive to an urban situation as they are to a suburban one, which in other words is not sensitive at all. If it is something like Festival Hall then we can expect a better product.

The current proposal is for a mostly glass curved tower that has a concave northern facade - essentially the tower narrows as it goes up to the middle floors and then curve vertically back out towards the crown.

It looks nothing like NY Towers, or the festival tower or anything else Daniels has done in the past.
^ Who is the architect (or firm)?
KIRKOR,actually a small rendering of 21 widmer was in the paper edition of the star article on may 15.when i checked out the online edition it wasnt there.if my missus wasnt a vigilant recycler ,i would have scanned it.
