Strange Advance
Active Member
Positively hideous. Looks like something from The Flintstones.
Imagine coming home to this every day?
16 November 2013: I realized the best view of Cinema Tower is here
That green glass looks like toothpaste.
My only concern pertains to those two unsightly(!) white downspouts. I guess it's too late to put them behind the interesting facade (which s/h/b done).
A few people have posted that the downspouts are temporary.
There was a lawsuit by the artist against the developer for his work on the art installation in the lobby of Festival Tower -- maybe this was his way of getting back? Though I saw the artist's website and most of his work is almost as bad as this Flintstone-like monstrosity.
You have that mixed up. It was Michael Snow who brought a lawsuit against Daniels, claiming they had backed out of a deal to commission him to do the art for Festival Tower. Daniels stated that they had never had a contract with Snow. I have not asked how that suit was settled.
It is Peter Powning's slumped glass sculpture with colour-morphing LEDs behind which is the main art piece in the Festival Tower lobby. It's pretty successful if you ask me, and Powning has brought the slumped glass to the façade of Cinema Tower too, having it ooze out of the bronze portion of the striated frieze. While the vast majority agree that the effect of the whole work is a failure on Cinema Tower, I really like the bronze portion with the impressed objects (there's a pile of detail in there to enjoy) and I'm a fan of the slumped glass too, especially at night when it's glowing from behind.