I'd recommend anyone interested in progress on this project to make a trip to see this site in the next 8-14 hours. The most interesting stuff is starting sometime between 2am - 4am.
What a tease! Go on… !!!

Maybe delivering these transformers tonight/ tomorrow?
Picture from July 27 near the former tent city
Too late for #2 and too early for #3 transformer. Oh well. You get the picture. They were lifting big heavy equipment into a small hole with very little clearance.
Here is a bunch of crane or city view shots from yesterday morning. Such a beautiful morning.

It sure looks like they are holding the roof up.







I walked to the airport/silos and back, an hour later - same position.
Whatever those are...they certainly look phat.

(...and not knowing what they are, from their bulbous shape are they supposed to contain/maintain some sort of liquid coolant or ionized gas or something?)
Toshiba's Gas Insulated Transformer (GIT) is the most technologically advanced solution for hydro-power and underground substations, densely populated cities, mission critical substations, and offshore substations. Toshiba GITs are insulated with SF 6 gas rather than traditionally hazardous oil which risks fire, explosions, and contaminating leaks.

Additional advantages include reduced footprint and minimal long-term maintenance requirements. Toshiba has installed a base of more than 1400 units since delivering the first GIT in 1967. Voltage ratings are available up to 500 kV and 400 MVA.

Safety Features:
  • Non-flammable
  • Non-explosive
  • No Oil to Check or Replace
  • No Oil Leakage
Just don’t let the gas leak out.

See phase one post installation video.
44:15 previous delivery - very cool
Edit: same video posted two years ago just one page back. @AlvinofDiaspar

155 ton transformer. 18” to spare in the opening.
They installed 2 in phase one, 2 more in this phase two with a third for back up.
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It's almost like when the Soviets built that secret base under that shopping mall in Stranger Things, goodness...
Whatever happened with this, did the park actually open ?
Councillor Malik's office has told one of my neighbours - FROM Toronto Hydro

"Our construction work for the Copeland Station is still ongoing but is currently expected to finish by Spring 2024. We are also in the process of coordinating some final access/safety details with the City. Once these are done, there will be a few final weather-dependent landscaping tasks.

As with all things weather and construction-related, it’s challenging to give a precise date but we are hopeful that the parkette can be opened public use by early Summer."
