Urban Shocker, I love your new avatar!

Of course, for the record (again) I'm Trans in a transportation sense, not Trans as in the dear old Dame. He/she does do a great Broadway act though!
A.P.: If you're not careful I'll dress that way on Thursday. Gliding into Ring 4 at intermission I'll wave my gladioli at you and shout "Hello possum!"

( Thanks to interchange for helping me select a suitably demure and cock-ettish glossy ).

Now back to Clean Living, or Clear Living, or whatever it's called ...
Urban, the shocking answer lies prone here!

I think the condos are what will MAKE the Distillery 'Main Street Muskoka,' drawing a clear line between these gargantuan monsters and the amusment park that will serve them below.

I understand your concerns, but I don't think height plays that big a role in how the character of this neighborhood develops. The Distillery deserves quality development, but does it need to be short? Does building high constitute an attack on the dignity of the place? I'm not convinced.
I have mixed feelings about this project for most of the reasons already stated. One thing I question in some of the criticism is the automatic reverance ascribed to buildings or districts of pre-modern vintage. I believe in respectfully preserving them as best, and least tackily, as possible. However, I don't know that every historically designated structure needs a 100 or 200 metre restraining order against new structures that are visibly taller, more massive or in some way architecturally threatening or distracting.

With it's clean, fluid lines, transparent facades and nicely nuanced details, angles and offsets this proposal does, as the name suggests, bring a "clear spirit" to the area. (Holy shit, a project name that actually means something!) It has funcitonal integrity like the industrial buildings had when they were utilized for their built purpose. My main misgiving is that the new podium doesn't have any transitional elements to soften its' edge a little bit before giving way to the glass towers--i.e. some tasteful brick or stone materials a la the Mckinsey building in Victoria College. I also think that setbacks to the towers would be a lot nicer, but I guess Aa doesn't do setbacks. Overall, I think this project can work, but it needs serious finessing if it wants to temper the criticism.
Pure Spirit rising.


