It looks lovely from the streetcar, heading south on Broadview, though it disappears from view behind the new Bridgepoint hospital ( itself quite the eye candy ... ) when you hit Millbrook. Then, glancing east as the streetcar rattles on, you see two towers with similarly anorexic proportions that instantly brands them as aA's work - the new Four Seasons hotel and one of the Muranii towers.
Feb 16




Looking forward to the balcony glass installation. It's really going to accentuate the shape, and give the tower a whole nother dimension.
oh boy, I should have a set document for how many times I have had to explain this... but I'll be happy to:

go to the flickr page of the image you want to post. click on "view all sizes". click on the image size you would like to post here. When that image pops up on the screen, right click on that image and select "properties". In the properties box you will see the url of the image ending with ".jpg". select and copy that url. Then when you come back here to UT, in the icons above the comment box click on the one that looks like a picture of a tree. That is the insert image icon. click that and when the dialogue box pops up you paste in the url you copied from flickr. It might sound a bit complicated but once you do it a few times it only takes seconds... good luck!
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oh boy, I should have a set document for how many times I have had to explain this... but I'll be happy to:

go to the flickr page of the image you want to post. click on "view all sizes". click on the image size you would like to post here. When that image pops up on the screen, right click on that image and select "properties". In the properties box you will see the url of the image ending with ".jpg". select and copy that url. Then when you come back here to UT, in the icons above the comment box click on the one that looks like a picture of a tree. That is the insert image icon. click that and when the dialogue box pops up you paste in the url you copied from flickr. It might sound a bit complicated but once you do it a few times it only takes seconds... good luck!

Thanks! I searched for this explanation and couldn't find it anywhere. Yes, there should certainly be a spot that details things like this.
I happened to be down at the distillery yesterday eve (wed 4th) checking out the progress and noticed a small bonfire as seen in the first image. For a split second I considered that they may have been burning construction debris, then yelled loudly to see if anyone was there, then called 911. The trucks (5 of them) arrived within 2 or 3 minutes. One of the firefighters said that in another 10 minutes the entire site would have been up in flames. There was an entire floor of form-work in place (diesel covered), and the fire was pretty much dead-centre. Scary.

I suspected it may have been a welder's or plumber's torch that could have been the cause, but the workers usually quit at around 4pm. The fire started at 6pm. The security guard was at the other side of the completed tower, out of sight and out of earshot. I have around 10 shots of this.


Excellent photos neubilder! And great job calling that in, you made the right decision and your quick thinking probably saved this site from serious damage. great upload, great work in general
This tower is fantastic, and looks especially stunning when seen from a car traveling southbound on the DVP, and then continuing westbound on the Gardiner... an experience reminiscent of what Le Corb had in mind with the elevated roadways through Ville Radieuse.
