For those who do not understand the concept, 'out of scale' means not the 'same' scale as the immediate surroundings. Pretty simply, huh!? For those who insist on an actual figure, how about 5 1/2 stories?
By alklay's definition, Rack House 'M' is out of scale with the buildings that house the Young Centre, and Rack House 'D' ( Z:eek:lander Hotel ) is out of scale with the Boiler House Complex opposite it.
Yes, I'd like the "colonial-Williamsburg" crowd here to substantiate just how near/far is acceptable for highrise in the area. Apparantly the mythic line that represents taste and appropriate scale can be drawn somewhere between the Distillery and the clearly visible CBD in the background.

I'd like the "build anything anywhere" crowd to pay more attention. It's been mentioned by quite a few people that condos outside of the District are fine, but inside the district (and wildly out of scale at that) is unacceptable.

I can't believe the CBD is even being brought into the discussion. I dont' recall anyone citing any of those buildings as near the Distillery nor too out of scale relative to the Distillery buildings.
By alklay's definition, Rack House 'M' is out of scale with the buildings that house the Young Centre, and Rack House 'D' ( Z:eek:lander Hotel ) is out of scale with the Boiler House Complex opposite it.

Rackhouse M is part of the collection of historical structures. Personally, I don't think it's out of scale...however, I find it hard to believe someone can't understand how 50 storeys would be. Why not 100 storeys? How about a Burj Dubai right in the middle of the Distillery?
Rackhouse M is part of the collection of historical structures. Personally, I don't think it's out of scale...however, I find it hard to believe someone can't understand how 50 storeys would be. Why not 100 storeys? How about a Burj Dubai right in the middle of the Distillery?

Sounds like we have a convert!
Rack House 'M' is being reduced in height while maintaining the same footprint, so it will more closely match the adjacent buildings in size. The tall/short match within the district, which will include the Clear Spirit condo that will rise at the south end of the former Rack house 'M', is also about a sense of scale - and a delightful one, as the photographs that have been posted so far indicate.
Rack House 'M' is being reduced in height while maintaining the same footprint, so it will more closely match the adjacent buildings in size. The tall/short match within the district, which will include the Clear Spirit condo that will rise at the south end of the former Rack house 'M', is also about a sense of scale - and a delightful one, as the photographs that have been posted so far indicate.

Rackhouse M is being replaced by a 50 storey condo.
Rackhouse M is part of the collection of historical structures. Personally, I don't think it's out of scale...however, I find it hard to believe someone can't understand how 50 storeys would be. Why not 100 storeys? How about a Burj Dubai right in the middle of the Distillery?

No, we'll wait for the Al Burj. It will match the current smokestacks so well!!!
No, we'll wait for the Al Burj. It will match the current smokestacks so well!!!

We can add a space shuttle launch pad too. The exhaust in the air will hearken back to the industrial past of the District.
The windowless and useless hulk of Rack House 'M' is being replaced by more than a condo - a low, attractive, and useful podium building that will contain the entrance to the apartments, and retail space. Something fugly will die so that something useful and attractive will rise.
The windowless and useless hulk of Rack House 'M' is being replaced by more than a condo - a low, attractive, and useful podium building that will contain the entrance to the apartments, and retail space. Something fugly will die so that something useful and attractive will rise.

Might as well just bulldoze the entire Distillery then. You can make the argument that any new building will be more attractive than the one preceding it.

We have no idea what exactly will be in the new base either.

I remain unconvinced they haven't done everything they could to salvage and upgrade the current building, rather than bulldozing it and replacing it with an entirely new building.
If the Distillery District was composed entirely of Incredible Hulks like Rack House 'M' it is highly unlikely it would be a historically listed group of industrial buildings in the first place.
Might as well just bulldoze the entire Distillery then. You can make the argument that any new building will be more attractive than the one preceding it.

We have no idea what exactly will be in the new base either.

I remain unconvinced they haven't done everything they could to salvage and upgrade the current building, rather than bulldozing it and replacing it with an entirely new building.

Oh dear, it looks like the Shock & Jab technique has yielded results far beyond our expectations. I pray an intervention won't be deemed necessary.
It sounds like Rack House "M" would make an incredible space for a modern art gallery (and possibly big installations).
