The tall/short, brick/glass, new/old approach taken in the redesign will make it more unique than if it was left undeveloped Sean. Cityscape's first smart move was to retain the services of aA and E.R.A., two of our best local firms, rather than some lesser options.

When did the City announce plans to turn the entire District into Clubland II? Did I miss that one? And how late at night have the outdoor programmed events run so far? The place shuts down fairly early and most of the retail - art galleries, clothing stores, design stores like Bergo, a spa, a chocolatier, a bakery, furniture stores, a gardening store, - are already leased. Where will Clubland II go?
I should have thought the problem was obvious - it's the same problem in any property development scheme: how to maximize the developer's profit within a given site. That precludes moving the towers to property the developer does not own and cannot build on.

Of course that's the honest answer, isn't it? It's not about aesthetic or magical elements of design; it's about cashing in and developing the site, and that's all.
It would have been cheapest to just plow it all under and put in CityPlace East with some big box retail... maybe it's not just about cashing in.

The oversimplifications in the arguments in this thread are boring boring boring. You guys type like there's no tomorrow on this one, hoping to get some kind of capitulation from the other side once you finally wear them out.

So why spend so much time here? Maybe it's an outlet for general frustrations, because the project has certainly become a punching bag. No one's mind is being changed, or even illuminated really; little of substance has been added to this discussion in ages.

The oversimplifications in the arguments in this thread are boring boring boring. You guys type like there's no tomorrow on this one, hoping to get some kind of capitulation from the other side once you finally wear them out.

So why spend so much time here? Maybe it's an outlet for general frustrations, because the project has certainly become a punching bag. No one's mind is being changed, or even illuminated really; little of substance has been added to this discussion in ages.

If you find it so boring, please feel free to inject the thread with a dose of the high intellectualism that we have clearly failed to provide. Speaking for myself, I'm sorry I've failed to be more entertaining. Maybe in the future I'll post irrelevant illustrations or off topic remarks. That might fail at scaling the heights within the endless Platonic realm, but it wouldn't be boring - at least for some.

As a moderator, I would assume you have the power to close the thread when you deem it to be too dull for your tastes.

As for myself, I've got the message.

I won't post on this thread anymore.
No closure of the thread is coming.

I'm just surprised by the amount of repetition in the posts, with such little new content. Please post-away when there's something new...

I went in the sales centre recently: lovely kitchen--maybe the best sink and counter I've seen in a sales centre since those sophisticated Montreal days! I asked the rep if I could just buy a 1000 square foot kitchen (+washroom) in the building! An original idea I was told:)
Did you also see the model, urbandreamer? With it, you can observe how more pronounced the curvature of the condo will be from pedestrian level than the renderings indicate. As you move around the building, the outward bulge in Clear Spirit's midsection will alternately hide and then reveal the upper floors, due to the foreshortening effect.
Upon reading Peter Worthington's Ken Danby memoriam in the Toronto Sun today (look, I found the copy on the subway, okay?), I made a fascinatingly ironic discovery: Worthington's bumphish tone on Danby and realist art in general reminds me of Urban Shocker's bumphish tone on Pure/Clear Spirit and contemporary Toronto architecture in general. Like they're opposite sides of the same funhouse mirror...
I'm surprised it didn't remind you of your own bumphish tone on a certain panelled Etobicoke home that was demolished a few years ago.
Maybe when the west don lands, and some of the buildings around the distillery are developed it will help to make pure/clear spirit fill in better to the area, i always wondered what they'll do with some of the fenced up areas and vacant buildings surounding the pedestrian village?
They're bricklaying at the Pure Spirit parking garage.

The acting in Three Sisters was uneven, and the whole thing quite dreary, so I left at intermission. The District looks lovely at night - the angled buildings on the west side of Trinity Street with the angularly situated Pure Spirit tower behind, especially.

The bakery was closed, but they sold me a couple of sweet little tarts, cheap. Bunched streetcars - six or seven going places I wasn't - rolled along King before the 504 state coach arrived and bore me home to the palace.
