I heard from a colleague that the pilon sign has been removed that was located within the hoarding. Can anyone confirm?
I know the little wind turbines were already taken out.
I believe it was there last Saturday when I drove by. Haven't been by since but may drop by on the weekend.
Pylon sign is gone.

In the name of fair play, when I noted the updated version of this proposal in the AIC at 4:30am. I opened the file, had a peak....... sipped some water, and went back to bed.

But here we are at 8:30am the next day and @tstormers is still snoozing. Oh, @tstormers the files are dated June 5, and went live July 5.


From the Cover Letter:










Concept Master Plan:



Comments: Overall, I like it, but I wish they hadn't gone from 1 park to 2 parks. The total area of parkland is now quite good at 1.5ha or ~3.75 acres. But by diving into two you preclude any type of sports field, even a junior one.

Nice to see some colour in some of the towers, wouldn't mind more.

Personally, I find the road network a little bit convoluted, and wouldn't object to a couple of straighter lines. But compared to what's there now, a huge lift!
In the name of fair play, when I noted the updated version of this proposal in the AIC at 4:30am. I opened the file, had a peak....... sipped some water, and went back to bed.

But here we are at 8:30am the next day and @tstormers is still snoozing. Oh, @tstormers the files are dated June 5, and went live July 5.


From the Cover Letter:

View attachment 490212

View attachment 490213

View attachment 490214

View attachment 490215

View attachment 490216

View attachment 490220

View attachment 490222

View attachment 490223

View attachment 490224

Concept Master Plan:

View attachment 490225

View attachment 490226

Comments: Overall, I like it, but I wish they hadn't gone from 1 park to 2 parks. The total area of parkland is now quite good at 1.5ha or ~3.75 acres. But by diving into two you preclude any type of sports field, even a junior one.

Nice to see some colour in some of the towers, wouldn't mind more.

Personally, I find the road network a little bit convoluted, and wouldn't object to a couple of straighter lines. But compared to what's there now, a huge lift!

Haha, I appreciate you waiting awhile, even if I was late to the party. There will be a UT story coming up as well, but not sure on when that will release, but probably soon.

Looking forward to reading the comments on this one. :)
Looks quite good overall, but I feel that the East Mall should have more of an urban edge and the park space put more in the interior.
July 4th
I had planned to post this earlier but in just the first week of July I had already accumulated 3.8hrs of flight time and more than 400 photos so I have a bit of a backlog to get through. There was no visible change since my last photo June 25th.
Now, just waiting on the UT one 😜
Well, await no longer! We've been talking to a few people on this one, and the front page story is here. You'll see in it that it's the Experience (sales) Centre for the first tower over at 2 East Mall Crescent that's being built in Tim's photo above. It's going up on the site of the last phase of the mall redevelopment, so the Experience Centre will be around for a while. Meanwhile, the database file is still be updated.

Looks quite good overall, but I feel that the East Mall should have more of an urban edge and the park space put more in the interior.
The park space was placed there and the towers in the current orientation/heights to have the least impact on the parks in terms of shadowing. Long discussions with the City regarding shadows.
