I caught a bit of the tail end of the Canada-Chile U-20 game on CBC and noticed that even though the sky was already dark (around 9:30pm) the tower was not yet lit up.

CN Tower lit up at 10PM, which is, yet another stupid idea. WHY SO LATE?

I was at the harbour on Sat night. The Rogers Centre lit up early, around 9ish. It was pretty dark at the water front, there were lots of people and lots of celebrations that night. A lot of things finished right after 10pm, that's when the CN Tower lit up.

So, think about it...how man people would be on the street after midnight? Sure, some, but not many. What about 1am? 2am? How many people are actually outside looking at the CN Tower? Not many.

So, bascially, they are trying to capture the people from 10pm to 12am...2 hours?? It's not very efficient at all.

Why not turn on the lights at the same time as Rogers Centre??? Why not 9pm??

That's a really simple and common sense thing to do. But then, why am I surprised...it's Canuck Management...nothing much always makes sense.
I believe it is supposed to be lit from "sunset" (whatever their definition of that is) to 1am but I'm seeing it still lit up past 1am. But I agree, the lighting should come on from a time when it would be noticeable and until a bit later in the summer when people are out and about later at night. Maybe 2am, and even 3am on weekends in the summer. I recall the cost is $1000 per month so stretching out the time a bit can't be that much more expensive. Hopefully they'll tweak it out and consider comments made by people.
I believe it is supposed to be lit from "sunset" (whatever their definition of that is) to 1am but I'm seeing it still lit up past 1am. But I agree, the lighting should come on from a time when it would be noticeable and until a bit later in the summer when people are out and about later at night. Maybe 2am, and even 3am on weekends in the summer. I recall the cost is $1000 per month so stretching out the time a bit can't be that much more expensive. Hopefully they'll tweak it out and consider comments made by people.

But people aren't complaining to them about the lights being turned off too soon. Someone should contact the people at the CN Tower and tell them about this. As well as some ideas for improving the lighting, i.e. lighting the top of the observation deck and underneath by the glass floor. Also the very top of the tower should be lit up.
The lighting on the tower is great, but I think it would look a lot better if the tripod legs as well, and not just the elevator shaft.
Or try the entire Hong Kong skyline! (although that might be too much for Toronto).

Groovy! I do like the klieg lights a lot. I miss Luminato's Pulse Front lighting up the sky at night.
The lighting on the tower is great, but I think it would look a lot better if the tripod legs as well, and not just the elevator shaft.


Unfortunatly, the cost of lighting the legs would have been cost-prohibitive both from and installation and a maintenance point of view. Also, any fixtures mounted on the exterior of the legs would interfere with the scaffolds used to repair and maintain the concrete, and would have been susceptible to falling ice. With the exception of the fixtures on the roof of the main pod, all of the LED fixtures are installed on the interior of the building.
Is the tip still not lit?

They should light the tower underneath the observation deck (glass floor area) as well as the red ring around the observation deck.

So is the red and white the standard colours or is this just for the Canada Day weekend?


Unfortunatly, the antenna mast is illuminated as high as can be done. All of the fixtures in the antenna are actually mounted inside the antenna shell and shine out through window portals at each of the transitions in the antenna. As for the red band around the top of the main pod, my understanding is that this a navigational item for aircraft mandated by Transport Canada and can not be changed or illuminated. Even if allowed, this again would have been cost prohibitive to illuminate.

Unfortunatly, the antenna mast is illuminated as high as can be done. All of the fixtures in the antenna are actually mounted inside the antenna shell and shine out through window portals at each of the transitions in the antenna. As for the red band around the top of the main pod, my understanding is that this a navigational item for aircraft mandated by Transport Canada and can not be changed or illuminated. Even if allowed, this again would have been cost prohibitive to illuminate.

But wasn't the red ring illuminated in the past? It sure looked like it. As for the tip of the antenna, isn't there a platform around it where lights could be placed or is it flush with the section underneath it?

Unfortunatly, the cost of lighting the legs would have been cost-prohibitive both from and installation and a maintenance point of view. Also, any fixtures mounted on the exterior of the legs would interfere with the scaffolds used to repair and maintain the concrete, and would have been susceptible to falling ice. With the exception of the fixtures on the roof of the main pod, all of the LED fixtures are installed on the interior of the building.

LED, I didn't mean they had to necessarily be lit using LED's...but some kind of lighting, at least so they don't seem invisible.
That's amazing, I can see St. Catherines/Niagara Falls on a clear day or clear night from my place but Rochester is about 80 miles east!

On a related matter, the tower lights are coming on earlier now, I noticed them on a little after 9pm tonight which was roughly mid-sunset.
World's tallest illuminated structure? Something tells me the Burj Dubai will be illuminated. I mean, it's friggin' Dubai!
