We need to give them hell. Call your councillor. Tweet to your followers. Find out who's responsible for allowing our city icon to be defaced like this and then demand that they fix what they broke.
Um guess what none of them will agree with you as they will take the side of all of the people that think it's good ide. It improves the view for everyone maybe if they get enough good feedback on it they will complete theo whole floor like this as well.
Ok so I watched about this on the news. Had no idea part of the idea was so those with mobility issues could see better, which I think is fantastic. Feel bad for not considering this. And I guess they were being secretive because this was to coincide with 150 and whatnot, which I'm inclined to believe. However I'm still not really sure what the overall plan is, like, are they going to wrap the floor-to-ceiling all the way around (as they should)? Just going from memory of what the spokesman said, but it seemed like they're also doing a lot of other changes like multi-level glass floors (can't recall what was said exactly or the news channel).
The Horizons Restaurant encompasses part of the lookout level, and the seating area is elevated, so there'd have to be a pretty significant reworking of that space to install floor-to-ceiling glass there. I hope they eventually get around to it because the exterior looks very awkward now.
The Horizons Restaurant encompasses part of the lookout level, and the seating area is elevated, so there'd have to be a pretty significant reworking of that space to install floor-to-ceiling glass there. I hope they eventually get around to it because the exterior looks very awkward now.

Worse than awkward, it broke the axial symmetry of the Skypod - which isn't something Edgwalk did.

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The Horizons Restaurant encompasses part of the lookout level, and the seating area is elevated, so there'd have to be a pretty significant reworking of that space to install floor-to-ceiling glass there. I hope they eventually get around to it because the exterior looks very awkward now.

It does look awkward. And from what you said about Horizons (didn't consider that since I haven't been up in +20yrs), and from what I gleaned from the news, the floor-to-ceiling will not be wrapped around. But who knows, maybe they'll adhere some concave bubble windows elsewhere. And a rollercoaster winding up from the main pod. I guess to be revealed when it's literally revealed.
I think it's only awkward because we know to look or it. The average person will probably not even notice it.

I was out with a group of friends on the weekend -- none of whom have a lick of interest in architecture -- one of them pointed it out apropos of nothing, and all agreed it looks awful.

And, anecdotes aside, the fact that only some people take exception to a particular change is just plainly not a good reason to permit it.
And, anecdotes aside, the fact that only some people take exception to a particular change is just plainly not a good reason to permit it.
The problem with that is that we can't control everything. For example I absolutely hated the new bridge for the Eaton Center and the Bay from the design of it but seeing it consdtruted I kind of like it now. Plus it's dine now just like the windows on the CN tower and nothing is likely to change it. Even when they do make designs public they will still follow through with the one that they want anyway. There will always be architecture tah poel lover or hate for various reasons it's the same with art some pole think that modern art is wonderful well others think it's just someone's drop cloth hung on the wall.
The problem with that is that we can't control everything. For example I absolutely hated the new bridge for the Eaton Center and the Bay from the design of it but seeing it consdtruted I kind of like it now. Plus it's dine now just like the windows on the CN tower and nothing is likely to change it. Even when they do make designs public they will still follow through with the one that they want anyway. There will always be architecture tah poel lover or hate for various reasons it's the same with art some pole think that modern art is wonderful well others think it's just someone's drop cloth hung on the wall.

I understand and appreciate the point you're making in abstract, but we're not talking about a Rothko hanging in the back corner of MoMA here; we're talking about the most visible manmade landmark in Canada -- it needs to be held to a higher and different standard.

Both the process and the final result are shitty, and the restaurant bit is very easily solvable, so to me there's no good reason not to fix this.
I understand and appreciate the point you're making in abstract, but we're not talking about a Rothko hanging in the back corner of MoMA here; we're talking about the most visible manmade landmark in Canada -- it needs to be held to a higher and different standard.

Both the process and the final result are shitty, and the restaurant bit is very easily solvable, so to me there's no good reason not to fix this.
You're missing my point not everyone thiks it's shity or damaging the CN tower. Lets just give it a rest. It's been done and they aren't going to put it back ok.
No reason to not hammer away at them. They could eventually replace all of the glass with floor to ceiling, or at least install it in such a way that there's symmetry again. If we're persistent enough, they'll get tired of the negative media and make plans to correct it.

In regards to Horizons, the only reason that its floor is raised is so that people can see over the window sill while sitting at their table. With floor to ceiling glass, you could eliminate the raised floor.

Regarding what is "actually" the Skypod, I wish they had not changed the names years ago, moving Skypod to what was called the Spacedeck. The old Skypod is now called the " ", (I actually couldn't find a reference to that section of the building within the time that I was willing spend on this). Point being, it's like the SkyDome: they should have left the Spacedeck with its old name.

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No reason to not hammer away at them. They could eventually replace all of the glass with floor to ceiling, or at least install it in such a way that there's symmetry again. If we're persistent enough, they'll get tired of the negative media and make plans to correct it.
In regards to Horizons, the only reason that its floor is raised is so that people can see over the window sill while sitting at their table. With floor to ceiling glass, you could eliminate the raised floor.

And besides it's CLC owned, which meant public. Why shouldn't we hammer away at something iconic that ultimately belongs to us? Why should we "give it a rest"?

