must be for new years only.atleast i hope it is.

a lot of dull people on these forums it seems.

some people are even complaining about the christmas colours during christmas time which I thought was a nice touch. i think some people need to loosen up a little.
saw it tonight as well and it was giong nuts!

there were tons of different patterns being shown. quite nice.
Standing at Union Station on Sunday night, it was quite a sight to behold.

Hope they have something great for the New Year's Countdown/celebration.
Anyone see if there was a light orgasm? I was occupied with friends, alcohol and the usual New Year diversions (as no doubt many of you were).

Happy New Year, by the way.
I was indoors at the stroke of midnight. Did the CN Tower have any special lighting scheme for NYE?
I had a great night at home with friends too. Gordo of CITY TV announced a special lighting presentation on the tower about a half a minute before midnight and showed a split screen on their HD channel of the tower shooting lights up on the countdown. As soon as the clock struck midnight the split screen was cut and the camera work was all about falling balloons and CITY TV personalities groping each other on stage. Because of the snow I couldn't see it from my window but if it was anything like the tests I saw last week I expect the lighting would have been wonderfully manic.
So now that Xmas is over, are we back to the dull and hideous red and white colours? They should only leave the red/white during Canada Day.
Well, it was named after the Canadian National Railway.
But that was a long time ago when Yonge St. bustled and men wore tight shorts.
The letters CN create their own confusion. Like those 'muricans who want directions to the C-N-N Spayce Needle.
They can always use the colours found in provincial flags or coats-of-arms. That might brighten the palette while keeping in contact with the "Canadian" theme.
Just wanted to let people know that two of my photos featured in post #102 will be made into postcards and will be available for purchase sometime in March.

I've never had photos go commercial before so this is very exciting for me! :D
