Design is underway, so absolutely no news other than that. It is going where the sales centre sits now.

Hey Tuscani01, you live in the area right ? Please please please attend any public meetings and stress the importance of retail, there needs to be a ton of retail here !
Office use would be great as well.
Hey Tuscani01, you live in the area right ? Please please please attend any public meetings and stress the importance of retail, there needs to be a ton of retail here !
Office use would be great as well.

There will be both. The amount of each has not been determined yet, but 10 stories of commercial has been floated around by the city and Concord.
There will be both. The amount of each has not been determined yet, but 10 stories of commercial has been floated around by the city and Concord.

That sounds great, I'm going to hold you too it though so make sure it happens ! ;)

I took a walk around cityplace and for all the negativity it has a lot of things going for it. Sure it would have been nice to have more non-glass buildings but some of the architecture is quite impressive, I've made this point before but maybe less the ground level, if you take some of these cityplace buildings and put them on their own in some other part of the city, a lot of people on the forum would probably love them.

The retail on Spadina that exists (including the sobeys) does animate the space. I hope some of the live/work units along the park will slowly convert to retail as well in time.

The plot of land to the east of the park, that's city owned correct ? Any timeline on that ?
Oh man, they are beautiful!! Wow. Finally we are getting good designs in Toronto that other cities are doing. Looks a bit Dutch. Love it.
so is this for real? looks amazing and somehow sinister

Edit: Just checked the link, they are being called the twins...kind of a more boxy version of absolute world but i like it quite a bit. Only thing i can think of making it better would be to replace he balconies with curtainwall...
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Isn't this only for a design competition (as per RAW's website?)

This is an awesome design though, I would love to see it built.
Isn't this only for a design competition (as per RAW's website?)

This is an awesome design though, I would love to see it built.

The description blurb on the website does say it is in the "competition" "phase". It doesn't seem polished enough to be from the developer and would seem to be preliminary drawings. In the gallery, there is the same old skyline pic that Concord has been using since the dawn of Cityplace.

I like the design, but wonder if they are trying too hard to make it the "dominant" Cityplace tower. It looks maybe too heavy and imposing. Overall though, I can't say I dislike it.

I love the public access to the greenspace between the towers and they almost have an easter island sort of thing going on. They appear to have some personality.
I agree it doesn't appear official.

Am I the only one that sees parallels between this and E condos? Twin towers of different height, the larger tower slightly slimmer than the other, elevated amenities that break up the facade at roughly the mid-point, and random cut-outs throughout the facade for windows/balconies.

Looks good though.
Whoah!!...from RAW's site...

The Twins

TYPE Mixed use residential
PHASE Competition
LOCATION Toronto, Canada

The development of the last remaining Concord Adex property in the railway lands is an opportunity for the company to celebrate its heritage of development in the area and complete the CityPlace community. The fact that Concord’s office will remain on site means that the building must effectively convey the commitment to design and community building for many years to come.
While the brief (and urban design criteria) has called for a potentially heavy podium around the perimeter of the block, we suggest that a more permeable public domain at grade will create an attractive and vibrant ground plane. Activities and uses on the ground floor should not, in this instance, include residential units as the street frontages are too heavily trafficked by pedestrians and subject to constant vehicular traffic for residential uses (this also eliminates those pesky townhome units). We suggest the ground plane be populated by simple glass volumes over a robust battered podium finished in brick pierced by large openings.
The unique shape of each tower and their direct relationship to each other will give the development a distinctive and memorable image which will be read in Toronto’s skyline and mark it as the centre of CityPlace. It will form a powerful image visible to all entering the city on the Gardiner.

I don't know which excites me more - these beautiful designs, or the fact that there is a design competition at all...:D
Am I the only one that sees parallels between this and E condos? Twin towers of different height, the larger tower slightly slimmer than the other, elevated amenities that break up the facade at roughly the mid-point, and random cut-outs throughout the facade for windows/balconies.

Yes, but there's the simple fact of the slanted façades that would make these towers always stand apart from E. Those slants are quite effective in creating drama here, despite the simplicity of it all. More like because of than despite, I suppose…

One other point is that E's cutouts are at the same level, not differing ones.

Anyway, I think Toronto can be considered big enough for both plans!
