Thread title needs to be updated- 79s + 68s

Those numbers probably include mechanical floors. UT does not include those in the floor count.

Good answer!

In the City's preliminary report, there are both numbers 79/75 and 68/64 in different places, and it does appear that the higher numbers include the mechanical levels. The elevations themselves have been presented at a low resolution which makes it difficult to make out the numbers on them, but they do show floors within the mechanical sections.

From the Joe Cressy Ward 20 Residents' Newsletter:

Pre-application Development Consultation - Tuesday March 24, 6-9pm, Metro Hall, 55 John Street

This meeting will present development proposals for 30 Widmer St, 23 Spadina Ave, and 602-620 King St W. There will be an opportunity for questions and comments from the audience.
Two new renderings have been added to the dataBase file (linked at the top of the page) and explained in a new front page story.

We should've known after the crap after crap that Concord was putting out that these wouldn't be any better.
Same crap as the other recent phases, just on a larger scale. Sweet.

Definitely a new low for CityPlace.
I actually like these towers. The colour it will bring to the skyline will be really appreciated from my part. I do agree that something better could of been designed, but I do like them regardless.
I actually like these towers. The colour it will bring to the skyline will be really appreciated from my part. I do agree that something better could of been designed, but I do like them regardless.

Sorry but I was actually expecting a total re-design after seeing so many extra effort designs being proposed in the city lately (1 Bloor West, 45 Bay ect.) These towers will occupy a position that will affect our skyline for centuries. We should all put pressure of Concord to try a bit harder this time.... enough of the crap all over city place...
Though I agree that they could be better, I think the height is exciting and the artwork could be interesting. I have found some of the art they choose terrible some good. Colour would be nice regardless. That much I'm sure we can count on. I'll complain when there is something concrete to complain about.
For those out there that hate cityplace so much, just be thankful its almost over. I've always appreciated their pioneering efforts, and variances in design, albeit great design or not.
Though I agree that they could be better, I think the height is exciting and the artwork could be interesting. I have found some of the art they choose terrible some good. Colour would be nice regardless. That much I'm sure we can count on. I'll complain when there is something concrete to complain about.
For those out there that hate cityplace so much, just be thankful its almost over. I've always appreciated their pioneering efforts, and variances in design, albeit great design or not.
Unfortunately the height on this one will make these towers stick out even more and it will be very difficult to hide its appearance on the skyline. Concord has built numerous towers around the same area and they all look vastly similar. I'm sorry but it's very hard to support the repetitive garbage they put up, if this was their 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th tower I would accept it. But they've had numerous chances to actually change things and they keep putting out mediocre towers at best. The best development CityPlace has seen at this point is Canoe Landing Park. But hey, at least we have Park Place to look forward to:rolleyes:
These architects need to be fired imho they lack creativity.

I don't think it has anything to do the architects... Rather Concord maximizing their profit by spending less for more.
They could have easily get this project in design competition, and allow the public to choose the winner. This could have been expensive by City Place's standard but they could also definitely sell out for any price demanded for a landmark design.
I don't think it has anything to do the architects... Rather Concord maximizing their profit by spending less for more.
They could have easily get this project in design competition, and allow the public to choose the winner. This could have been expensive by City Place's standard but they could also definitely sell out for any price demanded for a landmark design.

There was a design competition for this and there were some really nice and promising entries. It was a cruel teaser where nothing came out of it, unfortunately.

The interiors of each Cityplace condo gets better and better and the last few buildings were impressive on the inside -- high end built-in appliances, stone tile bathrooms, tasteful finishes, some unique custom details... The interiors are nicer than the average condos on the market these days so why can't Concord get the exterior right?

It's too bad that these towers have to rely on superficial decoration to give it character. What's even more troubling is that this decoration is just a placeholder and not a piece of artwork that is thoughtfully integrated with the design of the building and vice versa. It would be nice if an appropriate artist was chosen early on in the building design and work with the architect in the process.

A curtain wall system could be something that could save this design. With the new building code restricting the amount of vision glass on a tower (40% maximum) due to energy conservation, this could easily be another clumsy spandrel panel-laden tower... 75- and 64-storey tall spandrel panel-laden towers.
It's too bad that these towers have to rely on superficial decoration to give it character. What's even more troubling is that this decoration is just a placeholder and not a piece of artwork that is thoughtfully integrated with the design of the building and vice versa. It would be nice if an appropriate artist was chosen early on in the building design and work with the architect in the process.

I hear the call for a more organic art-and-architecture growing together process, but like architects who must create their work within certain parameters set by property limits, building codes, city guidelines, the laws of physics, and budgets, professional artists should also be able to be creative while working within certain boundaries. Setting up the limits of a work can help early on in fact: reality has to figure into the process at some point, and being told what your canvas size is at the outset, and where the work is going to "hang", isn't the greatest hardship an artist can face.

Way too much whining here as usual. The towers don't do anything crazy but they're attractively slim yet significant and will make Spadina/Front feel huge once the other projects at this intersection are complete. And can anyone point to another building in this city, or maybe the world, that has a glass enclosed art wall at the crown? I've never seen that before and it could be very cool if the artwork is good. There's plenty of trashier stuff being built you can complain about, this is fine.
