Nov. 1

Future site of Signature


Thanks for the site photo.

I think that in exchange for density, the Signature's site plan should include decking over the rail corridor for the small portion between the Spadina bridge and the Blue Jays Way bridge. A small park or public square could be created there.

This would better link the Matrix buildings to the rest of the development, remove the noisy and unsightly rail and benefit the city.
I guess you're right because the resulting financial benefits would be far outweighed by the enormous price to build the deck.

However, there is room in there for at least a few condo towers. If they were to be built over the rail corridor, the price of decking over would be included in the foundations for those buildings.

I think it will be done once downtown real estate becomes scarce in the next decade or two.
MetroMan - you know how difficult a time Concord Adex has had getting GO Transit to agree to a simple bridge at Portland Street, right? That one won't support the weight of vehicles on it for fear of GO losing a couple inches too much of its right-of-way for more robust column supports (AFAIK).

I'd love to see something over the corridor here too - a park, not more towers - but I don't think it is a certainty that anything at all will happen given the power of the railways.

We really don't need more open space in that area and buildings there would look just like any other city block.

Allowing the players involved in that corridor to sell air rights above their tracks could be a very persuasive argument.
Isn't there a huge park being built on the other side? What is happening with that by the way? What takes so long to build a park? Any updates?
Tewder, while the park has its own thread, very quiet recently, there have been a number of posts about the park that include pictures of the site, cropping up in a number of CityPlace threads that cover the buildings currently going up across the street from it, like Luna and Parade. Let's not cover the park topic in this thread please!

thanks for looking up the park thread I-42, I didn't even realise ... I think there are a number of posts about the park in the 'Cityplace: Parade' and 'Cityplace: Luna' threads that you may consider moving to the 'Cityplace: park' thread :)
Done - the park thread is much more fleshed out now that the posts have been moved.

I'd love to see something over the corridor here too - a park, not more towers - but I don't think it is a certainty that anything at all will happen given the power of the railways.


Sorry to dredge up this old topic but I've never understood why we couldn't cover the tracks in this particular spot. It would help with the Rogers Centre overflow of pedestrians and make the walk down to the Harbourfront much more enjoyable along Spadina.

Forgive the sloppy composite, but here's hoping one day...



