YSL = Yonge Street Lake
It will be our version of the Palace of the Soviets Swimming Pool:

If this building ever gets built! Do you they'll push this height up supertall status? Being that it's only has one metre to go. Whats three ft come on now we'll put up a flag to compensate Ha! Ha! !
So sad, was looking forward to this being built. Hope something else comes along soon and bring little more life to that intersection.
I lost interest entirely when it was re-designed. We have to live with whatever they built for 50-100 years so I'd rather look at an open pit for a few years than get something mediocre, subpar, ugly, uninspired, etc. I was ecstatic when this was canceled. It was nowhere near good enough.
Expect this sad excuse of a project not to happen till most of us are long gone. This is an utter embarrassment. Now the most popular street is gonna have this unnecessary hole for ever. So sad for those who live there and have to view it. As a mud hole till who knows when. Hope this is a lesson learned for future developments and developers around the city. Just saying, One can not start a project unless you intend to execute it fully. That should be law. Period. What ever the height or purpose is. It’s just logical. Nothing should have ever gotten stated with this demolition especially if this is what is to happen? How? No really. unacceptable processes. Times need to change before anything else ends up like this. And it easily could. Cherish your older buildings now Torontonians before this happens elsewhere in your city. Don’t let it.
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This project must be being shopped around now that they've successfully closed the deal with buyers at Clover? I imagine YSL must have been pretty well sold to start construction
Expect this sad excuse of a project not to happen till most of us are long gone. This is an utter embarrassment. Now the most popular street is gonna have this unnecessary hole for ever. So sad for those who live there and have to view it. As a mud hole till who knows when. Hope this is a lesson learned for future developments and developers around the city. Just saying,
Haha it's going nowhere..., mark my words, someone will be taking on this project in the next 12 months:)
Expect this sad excuse of a project not to happen till most of us are long gone. This is an utter embarrassment. Now the most popular street is gonna have this unnecessary hole for ever. So sad for those who live there and have to view it. As a mud hole till who knows when. Hope this is a lesson learned for future developments and developers around the city. Just saying, One can not start a project unless you intend to execute it fully. That should be law. Period. What ever the height or purpose is. It’s just logical. Nothing should have ever gotten stated with this demolition especially if this is what is to happen? How? No really. unacceptable processes. Times need to change before anything else ends up like this. And it easily could. Cherish your older buildings now Torontonians before this happens elsewhere in your city. Don’t let it.

Unless the average age of the forum is like 70+, I think this is a wildly pessimistic and unwarranted view. I think it's definitely unfortunate that this happened and it will likely sit undeveloped for a little while longer, but "till most of us are long gone"... I don't think so. This is a significant site in a good location with approval to build tall, I don't think it will sit undeveloped indefinitely.

Also I don't think the idea that "one can not start a project unless you intend to execute it fully", is really tenable. This company did intend to build the building but then ran into unforeseen business issues. What do you propose happens then — they face a fine or other penalty which would likely make it even harder to build and likely cause more projects to fall apart? How would you propose a company be forced to build something if they run out of resources and your only enforcement tools (fines, etc.) would make that problem worse not better?
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If they do will they start up with a different design look? Could a higher height difference come to play. If they change it to a slimmer tower like before ? That would awesome!
Yeah that was one hell of a stunning tower from KPF @ 347 meters but there was some oddball reason why they couldn't get the height there?
Yeah that was one hell of a stunning tower from KPF @ 347 meters but there was some oddball reason why they couldn't get the height there?
What's the big deal with the height here! Doesn't Aura cover up the sun at College Park's own park. The previous rendering was a slim sexy looking tower and should be reconsidered.
