Is the height still the same? 95 floors now? It looks much taller then Aura.
It's taller than Aura at 84 storeys and just shy of 300 metres. However, it's not actually 95 storeys tall. Concord just skipped the number 4 in every floor but is marketing it as a 95 storey building regardless; likely because having honest marketing calling it an "84 storey condo" just brings them back to the original issue they're trying to avoid.

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what happened to all the balconies that we saw in the previous renders?
The rendering isn't high-enough res to be able to see anything for certain. I'd be extremely surprised if the building isn't chock-a-block with balconies.

I feel kind of conflicted about this tower. On the 1 hand, it looks perfect... if the design was for a Saturday morning cartoon. I actually saw an animated tower in a music video on Youtube from the 1980s recently that looks similar to the the Proposed Union Centre, (Ironically it was called We Built This City by Starship - at the 3:02 to 3:11 mark of the song), and it was fascinating to see that. But this design looks like it could really go wrong if they use it to build an actual Tower downtown.

On the other hand, I feel kind of spoiled. I was stunned to discover Toronto has, including Built, U/C, and Proposed 257 150 meters + Towers in play! That's amazing, and we have so many Skyscrapers going up right now. It's not at all that I'm saying we shouldn't expect good designs and Towers that impress; it's just that part of me remembers that we have so many tall Towers going up and even more potentially on the way than we even have built and U/C. If the primary goal were Volume, we'd be rocking it like no other city in the western world! 😊
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I haven’t seen anything I like so far about this project based on the images to date, as everyone has been saying here, but after giving it some more thought, there may be something to hope for if aA has in fact agreed to take this on, which they would not have if they were too limited in their design choices. I don’t like the massing at the bottom with the random protrusions rising to different heights, so not sure how aA would get around that, unless with nice materials and proportions when seen up close from street level.
I haven’t seen anything I like so far about this project based on the images to date, as everyone has been saying here, but after giving it some more thought, there may be something to hope for if aA has in fact agreed to take this on, which they would not have if they were too limited in their design choices. I don’t like the massing at the bottom with the random protrusions rising to different heights, so not sure how aA would get around that, unless with nice materials and proportions when seen up close from street level.
architectsAlliance has been involved with the design the entire way through, ever since Cresford launched YSL. Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates are listed as Design Architects, while aA has been the Architect of Record the whole way. Who knows if KPF are engaged anymore though. I'd be surprised…

