
I've seen this tower on hold again on Skyscraperpage! If so what's going on now with the delays now? Just curious.
I've seen this tower on hold again on Skyscraperpage! If so what's going on now with the delays now? Just curious.

Go through the last couple of pages of updates on this thread. The city had issued a stop work notification as Concord had not received all of the approvals from the city for construction. Concord had failed to comply and kept working, so the city shut the site down on 23-May.

Concord issued a statement stating that the problem was inherited from Cresford who were the original developers for this building, which is pure BS. Laziness/incompetence from Concord led to this stop work. Regardless, we'll probably see it continue work in another few month while they sort out their approvals.
Go through the last couple of pages of updates on this thread. The city had issued a stop work notification as Concord had not received all of the approvals from the city for construction. Concord had failed to comply and kept working, so the city shut the site down on 23-May.

Concord issued a statement stating that the problem was inherited from Cresford who were the original developers for this building, which is pure BS. Laziness/incompetence from Concord led to this stop work. Regardless, we'll probably see it continue work in another few month while they sort out their approvals.
You'd think they would have known better. Mizrahi was at lest new to running tall building approval gauntlet when The One was slapped with a work stoppage at first. Concord has been at this for the only real excuse here is they got stupidly careless. And only have themselves to blame, IMO.
You'd think they would have known better. Mizrahi was at lest new to running tall building approval gauntlet when The One was slapped with a work stoppage at first. Concord has been at this for the only real excuse here is they got stupidly careless. And only have themselves to blame, IMO.

Yes but by comparing the pics by @Red Mars and @j_yyz above you can see noticeable progress and so either they are not complying with the stop order or they have obtained their permits.
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They were going full-steam on this site, when I was by on June 16th, 2023:




* I see no indication they have been issued any of their permits. This seems like quite the gamble. In theory, an order could be issued to demolish all their work to date.

Perhaps someone could follow up on this; this is the contact info on the Order to Comply:

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Why not? There’s little enforcement as it is.
Hell, Under Mark Saunders, the police stopped almost all traffic enforcement in 2019:

Even to the detriment of losing revenue for the city in the process.

Why? Because they didn't bother to allocate or hire staff for it.

Yet, by Saunders’s own admission, Toronto police has not had the capacity to carry out these duties because it does not “currently have a complement of officers that are solely dedicated to enforcement duties on a daily basis.” According to his latest report, while the TPS’s Traffic Services officers are responsible for all traffic-related incidents in Toronto, their work is restricted to “collision investigations, alcohol and drug impaired driving investigations, photo evidence support, collision reconstruction and highway patrol assignments.” Investigation of major collisions is the TPS’ main priority while traffic enforcement is a supplemental role.

Far be it from me to suggest that maybe, just maybe, if 9 cops show up every time there's a houseless mentally ill person disturbing the peace, that's 6 cops that could be on traffic enforcement. But I'm sure it's beneath them.
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That would be quite the campaign promise though, "I will stop all trafic enforcement while I am Mayor! So go nuts!"
Well Rob Ford was more than halfway there with his whole “war on cars” spiel. I mean, he did kill the vehicle registration tax, and make life in this city as easy as humanly possible for cars. How much more does it take to get to the zero enforcement level. Not a whole lot.
I wonder if there's any precedent for similarly large projects in TO that have blatantly disregarded the inspection/permit process...and what kind of penalties were dished out? Is it really likely that the city would force Concord to demolish all unpermitted work, or are hefty fines a more likely outcome?
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Just found out that the status from yellow as "on hold" to green as under construction indicates in the Skyscraperpage website. I would like to see any new pictures of that tower with two cranes.... Would you please do that? :)
