I've always wondered how they're getting away with branding this tower 'YSL'.
Cresford likely have a contract with YSL to design the lobby and use the trademark logo. All of the Casa buildings had their lobbies designed by different fashion houses, like Giorgio Armani, Missoni Home, and Hermès for Casas 1, 2, 3. They've done similar things at their most of their other buildings too (Diesel at Vox, Fendi at NXT, Baccarat at Halo, etc.) so there's no reason to believe that they haven't partnered again in this instance.

Cresford likely have a contract with YSL to design the lobby and use the trademark logo. All of the Casa buildings had their lobbies designed by different fashion houses, like Giorgio Armani, Missoni Home, and Hermès for Casas 1, 2, 3. They've done similar things at their most of their other buildings too (Diesel at Vox, Fendi at NXT, Baccarat at Halo, etc.) so there's no reason to believe that they haven't partnered again in this instance.


They'd better make the building itself look like a fancy fragrance bottle.
I'm not a fan of the new shape, at all, but it's a certainty that the renderings will look 42,000 times better that the elevations we've seen so far. (Will 42,000 times be enough, however, to quash our recent fears of a stinker?)

Also if they have the YSL branding locked down they should just do away with 'Yonge Street Living'. That's pretty mundane.
I guess there's absolutely no way to go back to the original two tower + bridge version?
What's the big deal? Another stinker will just blend in on Yonge. Better than a exceptional tower that makes all the stinkers look even worse.
Im cautiously optimistic, this shape in some respects is more original that a point tower. We shall see, as interchange 42 says. It's always in the details and finishings.
This will be an interesting change for that intersection. Yonge will be a mini canyon soon!
If this is still by KPF, I doubt it will be a stinker.

Never say never- KPF could get paired up with a cheap local architect and that dreamy Hudson Yard-esque tower magically becomes a 80-storey wedge of Aura-tier window wall.
