Don't hold your breath - the government already expressed their desire to keep immigration levels high which ultimately means GTA real estate is going to be just fine. Their most important objective is to make sure new immigrants aren't a threat to the healthcare system and have enough money to afford rent in GTA (or buy property - even better).

Racist much?
Racist much?
Agree or disagree there is nothing racist about what he said. You can infer that he's talking about a specific race, but immigrants can mean literally anyone. Americans, Latin Americans, Europeans, Muslims, Chinese, Philippinos, any other types of Asians. It can mean anyone, it's not racist.

Now I cant speak for OP and he probably could've worded it better but by threat to the healthcare system I'm thinking he meant, making sure new immigration doesnt overwhelm our system, which is a valid concern imo.

That has nothing to do with this thread though, so going back to YSL I see no reason for this to not be built as is and no reason for skyscrapers and even supertall proposals, to stop from trickling in.
Racist much?

In fairness to the poster.

I read that as a description of Canada's existing immigration criteria.

Which would be accurate.

You have to present as healthy (no pre-existing conditions) and we certainly do value income/wealth as part of assessing immigrants (as distinct from refugees).

Those really are criteria already employed by the government.

Perhaps I'm misreading here; but that was my take.

The suggestion being ongoing immigration, disproportionately affluent, will continue to fuel demand for premium real estate.

Which surely is correct, at least in part.
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"and have enough money to afford rent in GTA".

We means test by the region now? Immigrants who want to come to Canada must go somewhere other than the GTA if they don't show a high enough income? Many already pay a fortune in legalities, travel, etc. just to get here. Surely those who come here have support already from family or others to be able to find a place to begin with, and that is their launching pad. Not, "you can't live here because you currently don't make enough money." For many, the whole reason they come here is for a better life; to live better than their parents, grandparents, etc.

Perhaps you worded it poorly, I'll contend that. It still isn't the greatest of sentiments.
This is from the Citizenship and Immigration website:

Canadians who are sponsoring their foreign national family members do not have to make 30 per cent more than the minimum income requirement for their region in 2020 '''

The importance of the above is that this is exceptional for Covid. That is the normally applied policy.

Income thresholds apply to other classes of immigration as well.
"and have enough money to afford rent in GTA".

We means test by the region now? Immigrants who want to come to Canada must go somewhere other than the GTA if they don't show a high enough income? Many already pay a fortune in legalities, travel, etc. just to get here. Surely those who come here have support already from family or others to be able to find a place to begin with, and that is their launching pad. Not, "you can't live here because you currently don't make enough money." For many, the whole reason they come here is for a better life; to live better than their parents, grandparents, etc.

Perhaps you worded it poorly, I'll contend that. It still isn't the greatest of sentiments.

People who are trying to immigrate under one of the most popular immigration streams have to have something that is called "settlement funds"; Statistically speaking, over 40% of all new immigrants land in the GTA, so I'm most certain that the high number that is required to pass settlement funds requirement is calculated and updated with GTA cost of life in mind. For the other immigration streams you have to land a high paying Canadian job from a designated list of professions (it's called NOC) and be employed for at least twelve consecutive months in a span of your work permit validity. And yes, they confirm your pay with the CRA and if it's lower than the average salary in your field they will become suspicious.

Quite literally, the government can deny you the right to immigrate to Canada on a "you can't live here because you currently don't make enough money" basis.

I agree, I may have worded that poorly, especially the 'threat' part, but factually it is correct. There are people who were working in Canada on visas for a very long time but were denied extension or Permanent Residency because they were diagnosed with cancer or some other disease that is classified as posing excessive demand on health or social services.
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It's prime real estate. I am sure some other developer can scoop up the land build the building.

And shore enough, a lot of the land has already been scooped up. o_O


I was wondering is there a way the government can step in and help the Developers with their two stalled projects. Then pay Uncle Sam back later with interest. This way we can keep the ball rolling and keep these projects moving ahead.
