They have very few people working on the site. Right now they are putting up some of the brick on the outside but at a snail's pace. Most of the windows and doors are in but the roofing isn't done and I really wonder about the quality of these flat roofs given they're all covered in aspenite.
More brick going on the buildings. Some interior work starting now too. At this glacial pace, I suspect they are looking at late fall for completion.
Work here is progressing even more slowly than I had earlier mentioned. Most exterior brick is now up but the prefab exterior covering isn't fully installed yet. Interior work continuing and of course, no work on teh ground yet due to the work being done. I imagine they are looking at late spring now on these. Maybe early summer.
Interim Occupancies for certain blocks starting end of this Month.

I am surprised by that. I walk by the site every day and there is no way anyone could move in there. Not all of the cladding is done. The site is an active construction zone with no sidewalk access and mud everywhere. I suspect that will get pushed back by a couple of months.
Some back blocks are all finished. I have clients in both blocks facing Fieldway. This was launched May 2015. 4 Years for a condo town project seems rather long.
Some back blocks are all finished. I have clients in both blocks facing Fieldway. This was launched May 2015. 4 Years for a condo town project seems rather long.

They took a long time to put in the underground (which seems well done) and then took a very long time with the units themselves (which seem shoddily constructed with chipboard instead of proper plywood for the structure for example). They had a very small number of workers on the bricks, which took 9 months to lay.

You might want to let your clients know to watch for leaks from the roof too. Same cheap methods and flat roofs always leak.
