During the games it will be open to the athletes and games officials, but not the public. Gotta give the visitors some space to roam about outside their rooms!


Ah that makes more sense, I was wondering what the point was of including it in the 'pan am village' if it wasn't accessible to at least someone during the games
This is the sort of stuff that keeps Toronto from becoming a truly great city on every level. The amount of petty politics, lack of cooperation between various facilities and services, poor attention to detail and lack of pride in our public realm- I might sound a bit extreme, but this is one of the most pathetic things I've heard, and it seems to happen every day around here. Toronto succeeds in spite of itself, but I sometimes wonder for how long with B.S. like this.

Agreed. Disappointing on so many levels.
They have finally removed the fencing on the lower part of Corktown Common NORTH of Bayview. You can now walk from the corner of King and Lower River (beside River City) to the (currently closed) part of Corktown Common by walking behind River City, past the east end of Underpass Park and over to Bayview. Not quite sure WHY one would actually want to walk on this route but you can :->
You can, but it's definitely not yet complete.

Frankly I'm surprised they removed the fencing considering how long it took them to remove fences for *actually completed* portions of this realm.
So how long after the ParaPanAm games end (Saturday) will the new Corktown Commons FINALLY open up to everyone.
I would expect that streets will not be opened until the buildings are completed. They have to go in and finish the apartments once the athletes are gone, which I think takes another 6 months. I don't know how long it will take the city to assume the new streets if they haven't already.
I just realized that the new streets of the West Don Lands are finally showing up on Google Maps, and no longer with the (under construction) label.

It is pretty cool to think Bayview Avenue extends all the way downtown now.
I just realized that the new streets of the West Don Lands are finally showing up on Google Maps, and no longer with the (under construction) label.
The area is certainly all closed until late August and as far as I know most of these streets will remain closed until late 2015 or spring 2016 while they fit up the ex-Village for the permanent residents. Not quite sure why this is necessary but I suppose it makes security easier.

This was reported to the July meeting of the West Don Lands monitoring group:

"David Jackson has inquired about the timing of the opening of Mill street east of Cherry Street after the games and whether the conveyance process has begun.  It was noted that monthly meetings occur between IO, TRCA, and the City regarding these conveyances and the opening of blocks within the Athletes’ Village post-games. CW will contact Dundee Kilmer to inquire about what will be opening and remaining closed after the games.  IO confirmed some roads have been conveyed  Front Street will close for 6 months post-games as buildings are retrofitted.TD will ask the Secretariat regarding details."
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