Re: the graffiti. It's terrible, this city cannot have nice things. I wish it was easier to catch these degenerates, or to punish them effectively. Fines won't do it; maybe we could tie them up and spray them from head to toe. It's more than deserved.
whenever I see vandalism of any sort, mixed with momentary hatred for the perps, is wonderment these acts are more commonplace. Think of what havoc just one motivated anti-social 14 year could do?

As Stafford says on his radio show, people who do this are luggans.

I call people who do this douchebags. We need to start cracking down on people and that means parents and society teaching young people to start showing respect again. I keep harping on this and people roll their eyes but there's a clear connect the dots pattern here. We've dumbed down parenting and removed nearly all forms of discipline.

For a supposedly progressive, superior society, ours is actually going down the toilet fast.
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It seems as if the new restaurant located in the Corus building, "Against the grain" is now open. It looks pretty good.

Some photos from their website.


I love the ample patio on this one.

I worry business will be thin (except for the office workers) until George Brown and a few condos pop up.
what kind of restaurant is it? sounds and looks like an asian themed restaurant... maybe not.... ??? lunch.. dinner??? ...... i 'd like to have an excuse to visit :)
I love the ample patio on this one.

I worry business will be thin (except for the office workers) until George Brown and a few condos pop up.

Don't forget about the crowd from Guvernment.

Very nice patio, too bad it's in the middle of nowhere.
Don't forget about the crowd from Guvernment.

Very nice patio, too bad it's in the middle of nowhere.

Its a very easy walk from the St Lawrence Market and the closest lake front patio bar. I imagine it will be quite busy at least on weekends.
I've walked by there twice during a weekday, and it wasn't as busy as I would expect for a patio at that location, maybe about 1/3rd to half of the patio was full those times. It could also be the fact that they just opened and not enough people outside of the immediate area know about it. Overall however, it's a great location, and indeed when George Brown is finished, and more people from the North and West begin to use that part of the waterfront, and Sherbourne Common as well, it will surely be filled to capacity most days.
For those worried for Against the Grain, don't be. We've been twice, and it's been a great patio with lots o' customers. They've brought in a bunch of greenery and it's just a fun place to sit and watch the water.
I agree. I've only been there once and there was a 20 minute wait for a table on the patio, so we went inside instead. Food I had was great.

Nice pictures drum!
