Re: Public Process?

The first project on the East Bayfront doesn't need to fit in to any context other than the TWRC plan... and this building didn't do even that. There is no existing community that will be kept as it is which needs to be respected by this design. This, being the first building, is supposed to set the tone for future developments. If this is the most exciting building on the East Bayfront that really bodes poorly since it is a very ordinary building which could have been built anywhere. This building doesn't set any tone other than to say disregard the TWRC as they are irrelevant.
Re: Public Process?

Damn, that sounded like a fun meeting to be at. I wish I had made it out!

Re: Public Process?

All I have to say is that, there's nothing wrong with modest architecture, but if there's a city that's already had its fair share of modesty, it's Toronto. It's really time for the city to graduate to the next level... to cease being the bashful accidental city. Modest cities with modest architecture, modest streets and modest attractions don't excite or interest people. The fact that this debate is going on is a good sign... it probably wouldn't have happened 10 years ago.
Re: Public Process?

Did anyone manage to see the new rendering that the Post had accompanying the story about last night's meeting?
Re: Public Process?

Here's the sort of architecture that could, imho, be built along our lakeshore.......just imagine this at the foot of Jarvis....

Re: Public Process?

At least you've got to give credit to the fact there was that "meeting of minds" at all. I think it will put pressure to revise the CanWest/CTV (it's gotta be one of the two) plans, and to make it less likely a mistake like this will be repeated.
Re: Public Process?

Glass boxes don't square with waterfront greatness - columnists - Glass boxes don't square with waterfront greatness

April 13, 2007
Christopher Hume

If more proof were needed about why Toronto will never achieve the greatness it craves, it was provided this week by the Waterfront Design Review Panel.

Created by the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corp. and chaired by Toronto architect Bruce Kuwabara, its responsibility is to ensure that redevelopment of the city's waterfront meets the highest architectural standards.

Instead of doing that, however, the panel bent over backwards to accommodate a proposal, Project Symphony, that by the body's own admission sets the bar as low as it could get away with.

The scheme, designed by Diamond Schmitt Architects for an unnamed client on publicly owned land at the foot of Jarvis St., would be unremarkable even it were located along, say, Highway 400. But as the first project on a major site on the water's edge, it says loud and clear that it's business as usual in Toronto, that architecture is at best of secondary importance and that the interests of business take precedence over those of the city.

Though most members of the panel made it clear they weren't happy with the design, the group recommended the project proceed, but on the condition that as it progresses, it continues to go before the panel.

Given the architectural ordinariness of the scheme and the secrecy of the process, it will come as no surprise that it's the brainchild of the Toronto Economic Development Corp. and its CEO Jeff Steiner, whose desire to please potential tenants knows no bounds. When details of the contract become public – if they ever do – rest assured the client will have been given a sweetheart deal.

TEDCO, wholly owned by the city, was incorporated in 1986 to develop municipally owned lands and promote job creation.

Architect Jack Diamond clearly understands TEDCO's priorities; he began his presentation yesterday by pointing out that his building will bring 1,100 jobs to the waterfront. Great, but this was the designer talking to a design panel!

No one denies bringing employment to the waterfront is crucial, but at what price?

Diamond's design, which all panel members agreed was much improved after two previous sessions, consists of two glass-clad boxes joined by a glass atrium.

Though there's really nothing wrong with the proposal, the trouble is it's on the waterfront, where the same old, same old won't do.

Located east of the Jarvis St. slip and Redpath Sugar, it would include a "dune"/amphitheatre on the west side as well as a café and an interior space that could be used as a theatre. Other than that, the most accessible part of the project is an underground parking lot that will be open to the public after hours and on weekends.

"The panel wimped out," admitted Toronto architect and panel member Siamak Hariri, who was attacked by the notoriously thin-skinned Diamond during the sometimes stormy session. "We're here to be a design review panel and this is one of the most important projects on the waterfront. I'm not inspired by it."

Kuwabara also made it clear he wasn't excited by the scheme.

"It was a conditional approval," he insisted, "approved on the basis of a process that allows us to review the details. I still have a lot of issues. I always thought there should have been a competition for the first waterfront building. I wish it could be more than it is. It has to be urban, animated and able to capture the public imagination. If it doesn't get better and better, I'll be the first to say so."

But as the old saying goes, you can't turn a sow's ear into a silk purse. All the detailing in the world won't rescue a scheme that in its very form and massing misses the point and potential of the site. For example, the failure to engage the lake or present an interesting facade on any of its sides and its dubious relationship to street level runs all too deep for rehabilitation.

The Diamond Schmitt firm's great strength is its ability to produce fabric buildings that fit in seamlessly with their context. The Regent Park Community Health Centre and the Bahen Centre on St. George St. are examples of the excellence of which the firm is capable. But then there's the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts, which fails as a civic and cultural icon.

Project Symphony is critical because it will establish the context for the waterfront. This proposal is not up to the task.

Let the Diamond Schmitt team do the second, third or fourth buildings on the site – background buildings – but not the first.

And how sad that waterfront revitalization should be compromised almost before it has started by a city agency, TEDCO, acting on behalf of the civic good. We know nothing about how Diamond Schmitt got the commission, the terms of the lease with the secret tenant, or why the project is being rushed through with such unseemly haste.

Pity this city. Then get angry, very angry. The revitalization we need extends well beyond the shores of Lake Ontario.
Re: Public Process?

I'll just inject a note and say that while I don't think we necessarily need a Liebeskind/Gehry type free for all on the site, the Diamond proposal, most truly, "could be anywhere". There is a middle ground here, which finds the buiding wanting (not to mention the process) without feeling the need to have something like the rendering above on the site.
Re: Public Process?

Did anyone see the rendering in today's Toronto Star?

Are you for real? This is not even worthy of Mississauga Office Park.

Re: Public Process?


Now THAT's pushing it. I would only be too glad if Jack Diamond focus his attention on Mississauga, where boring but competent really can help.

Re: Public Process?

I'm sticking up for Louroz and Mississauga on this one: buildings of similar scope going up in Mississauga's business parks at the moment are often better than this proposal. Glaxo, Loblaws, TD, RBC, all have better buildings in Mississauga than this audaciously lousy lump.

Too bad the Star put Hume's article on B7. It should have been on the front page of the GTA section.

It sucks.

I don't think its pushing at all, actually I think I was being too polite with the comparision.

Re: Public Process?

42, I agree.

But Loblaw's is on the other side of the 407. That means even Brampton has better stuff than Diamond's proposal. Even the Nortel retrofit (now Rogers) may even be a better "knowledge economy" building (at the front).

There's some lousy shit at 400 and Rutherford. Would fit in there.
Re: It sucks.

That's what I hate about this building: it's so Vaughan.

Vaughan The Waterfront.


