I might go. There's nothing worth listening to at the Symphony that night.
You have to give them credit for keeping this a secret: we really have no idea who is going to be the tenant and not much of an idea as to what the building is going to look like (or feature).
Whoever the tenant, I think it is a safe bet that if the building is by Diamond+Schmitt it won't be loud and vulgar.
Actually, I wouldn't mind see a significant commercial employment component to the central waterfront rather than a culturally iconic building. If need be land can always be created jutting out into the harbour in the future to give us our iconic building fix.
How about they put in greenspace so people can actually enjoy the waterfront rather than another building which could go anywhere?
Yes that is true too. But a successful waterfront would probably have a combination of greenspace and commercial/residential uses, which is what I think our waterfront is aiming for.

A building that could be anywhere, is perhaps the biggest danger.
I guess "loud and vulgar", Diamond/Schmitt style might be the N half of Hazelton Lanes (relatively speaking)
How about they put in greenspace so people can actually enjoy the waterfront rather than another building which could go anywhere?

There's already enough greenspace planned for the area. It is time we see some other land uses besides parks and open spaces. Bike paths and sporting facilities are great, but they arent the only thing that should be developed along the waterfront.
Just a reminder that the Project Symphony Community Meeting is tomorrow, and that it would be great if a number of Urban Toronto Forum members could attend. Here's the notice again:

Community Meeting

Implementing Waterfront Plans
Proposed Commercial Development in East Bayfront

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
7:00-9:30 p.m.
Metro Hall Rotunda
55 John Street, Toronto

Commercial development has an important role to play in revitalizing Toronto’s waterfront. The first proposed development in the East Bayfront is for a commercial proposal known as "Project Symphony" located on a parcel of land municipally known as 125 Queens’ Quay East at the foot of Jarvis adjacent to the Jarvis Street Slip. The public is invited to this meeting to review and provide feedback on the design concept proposed for the building, as well as the vision for how the building and surrounding open space interact with the public.

This meeting is being hosted by Councillor Pam McConnell (Ward 28 Toronto Centre-Rosedale), and the Toronto Economic Development Corporation (TEDCO) in conjunction with the City of Toronto. Diamond and Schmitt are the project architects.

If you would like further information about the mee ting and/or proposed development, please contact Carlo Bonanni, Manager of Planning Services, TEDCO, at (416) 981-1927.
I'm hoping to make it down there. ill bring my camera and try to take pics
I hope to be there! I might have a long day at work though.
Waterfront: East Bayfront - Project Symphony (Diamond & Schmitt)

Well ladies and gents. Here it is. This is what we've been waiting for.

Watercolour Rendering from the water.

Context Plan

Here are the details I learned so far.

Lighthouse element on jarvis slip corner which would emit some sort of light. Using LED or other technology.

Most of the ground floor is retail or cafe related. Glass canopy along edges.

1100 Workers, many clues leading to perhaps bell globemedia as a tenant but nothing revealed.

2 buildings with large atrium in middle with a vegetation wall. Large urban square along jarvis slip. Planning along Jarvis slip still to come.

Does not include building facing Queens Quay.

Groundbreaking July! Other east bayfront parks starting around the same time.


Boring..... Uninspiring... Something that could be at home in Markham.

Sorry for the bad images. Dark room. Tried to keep camera still.
Thanks for the legwork, jayo.

A rather butt ugly, awkward office-park like project - quite disappointing considering the quality of past work from DSAI. Urbanity is one thing, sub-par archtiecture is another, Jack. Perhaps they should rename this project Diamond's Revenge (considering the previous spat between the said firm and TWRC over the East Bayfront Masterplan).

Just what is that "thing" on the top of the building?

This looks like a building you could find in any 905 office park. Very disappointing.
