Everyone all over the Europe and North America was designing that way in the 60's (heck, even in Brazil). It certainly was not unique to Toronto. That was one of the mantras of the 'international style'. It could and should be done everywhere, regardless of the context. And by looking at it, you could not tell the context.
The lighting and style of the image are similar to early renders of New City Hall and the Eaton's Center. Don't worry khristopher, I get the Canadian feel too.
The lighting and style of the image are similar to early renders of New City Hall and the Eaton's Center. Don't worry khristopher, I get the Canadian feel too.

Yes, that's what I mean. And the new city hall is definitely unique to Toronto.
The design has two a nice little marinas, lakefront open space with trees and a pool, and a waterfront promenade. Lop a few floors off the taller tower and the whole scheme looks like it would fit into the new East Bay Front animation quite nicely. Unlike other cities, PoMo gained little purchase hereabouts and our leading contemporary local architects are designing buildings that are clearly linked to the strong Modernist style that defines our local post-WW2 architecture. Many of them began their careers working for firms that produced that first wave of Modernist buildings in the '50s and '60s.

As adma points out, this scheme is several decades old. Had it been built, it would have joined Harbour Square as a pioneering venture to draw people to the water at a time when nobody considered living or working there; perhaps one or two of the buildings would have been converted to condo or co-op use by now. The view of the lake remains the same but our perceptions of the significance of the real estate that abuts it have changed thanks, in part, to unbuilt proposals like this - and built ones like Harbour Square.

Not sure what the white stuff is on the ground by the tracks, but it's definitely not snow...

For those of you who couldn't sleep, tossing and turning wondering what it is... it is concrete. (Presumably to anchor the posts of the hoarding). A couple of workers looked like they were cleaning it up this morning.
For those of you who couldn't sleep, tossing and turning wondering what it is... it is concrete. (Presumably to anchor the posts of the hoarding). A couple of workers looked like they were cleaning it up this morning.

Wow the building looks like some of the stuff going up at the Airport Corporate Centre in Mississauga... minus the retail at grade.
It's not like the buildings in suburban office parks are inherently poor. They're just not appealing in the suburban setting surrounded by parking lots, lawns and roads.

This building isn't that bad. However, it's an understandable disappointment considering everyone's desire for an exciting waterfront and the public funds and committee for architectural quality.
Wow the building looks like some of the stuff going up at the Airport Corporate Centre in Mississauga... minus the retail at grade.

lemme guess ... something superficial like too short and/or too boxy
BA From Corus

Looking South East

Looking South

Looking East

Looking South

White Stuff is Cement

Endless Corus hoarding along waterfront
Corus Entertainment

This one seems to have slipped under the radar as I couldn't find a post for it.
This project is just east of Lower Jarvis on Queens Quay East



