Redpath seems to have been very reasonable and conciliatory, but let's face it, their days on the waterfront are numbered. Once the east bayfront is developed, I'm sure they'll be under considerable political pressure to leave.

I'm pretty sure the city wants them to stay. The jobs are valuable.
haha 3d, that picture is hilarious.

I hope they keep with that sleek glass facade as it's really the only redeeming feature of the building.
The lake is just off to the left, duh...


PS 3D: It's like you have a crystal ball plugged into the future!
it's a joke! people found it funny. one person didn't understand. ah! frustration! you see what the terrible economic crisis has done to us?!

anyway, back to this building.

Our founder, who art in heaven,
Canadian be your name,
your vision come,
your policy be done,
in Toronto as in New York.
Give us this day our funding and revenue.
Forgive us our Brutalism
as we forgive those who appropriate taxes.
Save us from the economic crisis
and deliver us from suburbia.
For the city, the mayor and the
revitalization are yours
now and forever.
- taken from Pier: 27
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Will the boardwalk and water's edge development be Tedco/Corus's responsibility, or will they only landscape their property? Judging by the hoarding, the actual water's edge is independent of First Waterfront Place itself. Hopefully if it is a separate job, they'll coordinate it so it finishes as FWP does.
Is the George Brown College site nearby? That huge ugly parking lot looks like a nice site for it.
the george brown site is right next to this building. there's a bunch of threads about these two projects specifically and generally so don't be afraid to look around the forum, this place has a massive collection of toronto information. and welcome.
In the rendering, it appears that the wall facing the lake will just be glass from floor to ceiling. I really hope it ends up that way. My hotel in Portugal was built that way and it looked incredibly sexy. It made the inside feel like part of the outside and vice versa. It would be nice if a cafe set up shop in that spot that way you can still enjoy uninterupted views of the lake during the winter.
the george brown site is right next to this building. there's a bunch of threads about these two projects specifically and generally so don't be afraid to look around the forum, this place has a massive collection of toronto information. and welcome.

Ah...found it. Thanks Barry.
In the rendering, it appears that the wall facing the lake will just be glass from floor to ceiling. I really hope it ends up that way. My hotel in Portugal was built that way and it looked incredibly sexy. It made the inside feel like part of the outside and vice versa. It would be nice if a cafe set up shop in that spot that way you can still enjoy uninterupted views of the lake during the winter.

They'd better put a restaurant or cafe of some sort here. There's a surprising lack of waterfront dining options along our central waterfront.
Pretty funny Lord(Mayor)'s Prayer, BarryTron. I'd retranslate a couple of lines, but overall, nicely done!

Just walked down to look at Corus and they have started putting in glass on the west side. Too soon to really see the effect; not much up yet and it is below an 'overhang' so you don't get much reflection but it's progress...
