Circuitboy, (hi!), no, I didn't expect something breathtaking from Diamond Schmitt, but this isn't even good Diamond Schmitt. I expected it at least to be good Diamond Schmitt.

Antiloop33rpm, what does all that stuff you ranted off about Hazel and Mississauga have anything to do with the crap they are building on Toronto's waterfront?

The fact you can't even defend Davild Miller speaks for itself. There is a lack of any real leadership in Toronto, most notably with waterfront development, and it clearly shows.

Island Airport? Expo 2015 Bid? The future of the Gardiner? Project Crap? All failures on the part of the city under David Miller.

It has to do with the fact that you spend so much time defending Mississauga, talking about it how it is its own city and should be treated as such and is not just a suburb of Toronto. Yet then you turn around and criticize Toronto and its mayor as though you were just another citizen in the city of Toronto. You criticize Miller for not having enough regional leadership but you are the first to blast Toronto anytime it does anything that remotely steps on the toes of Mississauga.

It is one thing to say the building is ugly and you dont like it. Its another when you use the opportunity to rip into Miller as you seem to enjoy doing. Want an Expo? Want funky buildings on the waterfront? Mississauga is its own city, why not do it there? Want something done with the Gardiner? Maybe you can get Mississauga taxpayers to help foot the bill for what is going to be an expensive project regardless of what is done.

And I wont defend or bash Miller because overall he has not done anything great or bad that make him worth commenting on.
So liong as the provincial governments are paying for two thirds of the waterfront project, people outside the city have every reason to comment or criticize its progress as they choose.

I can't understand why they are being allowed to build this project on that prominent site. Why not an adjacent site just east along Queens Quay? It shouldn't make any significant difference to Globemedia or whoever the tenant turns out to be. This building, it's important to note, won't even reach all the way north to Queens Quay. It will be a little orphan along the water, not even providing the necessary connectivity from the street to the lake on this most prominent site.

It would appear that this meeting was more-or-less forced on TEDCO by Pam McConnell, to her great credit.

Thus, it'd be patently pointless to express concerns at the event. Far more useful to target the behind the scene actors instead.

Yes, and no. Will it change the course of the project? Of course not. But wouldn't saying nothing just have made me complicit with the cynicism?
I'm confused about this building's exact location. Is it going to be built on the east side of that cone-line view corridor?
It has to do with the fact that you spend so much time defending Mississauga, talking about it how it is its own city and should be treated as such and is not just a suburb of Toronto.

Funny, because I haven’t been posting much for weeks, probably months to the point most members noticed I haven’t been around. Also, I’ve stopped commenting on most Mississauga issues, hell I didn’t even comment on the Mississauga souvenirs thread.

Yet then you turn around and criticize Toronto and its mayor as though you were just another citizen in the city of Toronto.

I don’t have to live in the city of Toronto to give my opinions on it. I lived there for part of my life, went to school there, have friends there, I socialize there, worked there, volunteer there, and my taxes go there. If anything, the reason why I’m so critical is because I’m equally as passionate about making Toronto a better city as I am about Mississauga.

You criticize Miller for not having enough regional leadership but you are the first to blast Toronto anytime it does anything that remotely steps on the toes of Mississauga.

Um, like what exactly?

It is one thing to say the building is ugly and you dont like it. Its another when you use the opportunity to rip into Miller as you seem to enjoy doing.

We were pointing fingers at the architect first, then I suggested we aim our anger towards TEDO, and when I thought about it more, ultimately the buck stops with David Miller. It’s open game in my opinion.

Want an Expo? Want funky buildings on the waterfront? Mississauga is its own city, why not do it there?

I would, but we don’t have vast underutilized waterfront land like Toronto. I think a majority of members of this forum would agree Expo would have been good for the city. If anything, I was its number one supporter.

Want something done with the Gardiner? Maybe you can get Mississauga taxpayers to help foot the bill for what is going to be an expensive project regardless of what is done.

I believe most people in Mississauga would agree to paying a toll into Toronto if the money went to drastically improved public transit and road infrastructure. The biggest stumbling block to such a proposal is city councilors who represent Etobicoke and Scarborough. Oh, such a bold initiative has to start at the Mayor’s office, but sadly Miller quickly backed away from such as proposal during the last election campaign.

And I wont defend or bash Miller because overall he has not done anything great or bad that make him worth commenting on.

Well my point exactly.

Nevermind, I think I've answered my own question with the East Bayfront plan on the city's website. URL It wasn't the view corridor I was initially thinking of but it is still at the southern end of a cone-like view corridor.
FM: Have you recently become a citizen of Toronto? It is somewhat interesting to see you express continual criticism for Miller at most anything he does, or doesn't do.

Maybe he's mad because Miller won't give him some patronage hack position like Hazel did?

I used your photo of project symphony on my blog, and gave you full credit as 'jayomatic at Urban Toronto Forum.' . I hope this is not a problem.
I was contacted in turn by this person with this message:

"Can you get me in touch with the guy who took the photo from Project Symphony. I might be interested in using it in the paper...

Rob Granatstein
Editorial Page Editor
Toronto Sun

To mods and the board: sorry for the interruption on this thread - I had no way of contacting jayomatic otherwise through ezboard, and felt it would be irresponsible not to.
AP: Noticed how Future Mayor also did a little Brampton bashing there as well by pointing out how he loved the Brampton Waterfront comment. He can't stand Mississauga or Hazel bashing, but loves doing his own Miller and Brampton attacks.
spmarshall: I'm surprised you haven't weighed in upon this project yet, or made any report about the meeting.

42: I had in that other thread, before I knew jayomatic started this one.

Very disappointing over all, my points are the same as most here. TEDCO is a rogue agency, and I am surprised Miller hasn't done anything about it.
yyzer: I prefer Oshawa bashing. Durham Region is still the armpit of the GTA anyway.

Oshawa's so pathetic, Stephen Colbert didn't even bother to show up for his own day there.

Eh, isn't as fun. No one to defend Durham here.
