^^Which is usually the prerogative of a private condo residence. Not that I agree with that at all, but i'd be hard pressed to believe that condo buyers want the damned public walking around their premises..

Nor, probably, do the wageslaves of Corus - who need neither the public peering over their shoulders as they toil in obscurity at their desks all day long, nor a visually loud edifice structure to draw them through the front door to earn their keep and pay the bills.
This is all pretty simple really. The sweetheart deal is with an entertainment company, not with the Pentagon.

There is no down-side to "fish-bowling" or otherwise engaging the public to "go East young man!"... an entertainment/broadcast company needs eyes on their product anyway.

If it rationalizes the "deal" and creates a bit of "animation" in return for pioneering the location... seems like a win-win.

I'm all in favour of squeezing the lemon for some lemonade...stop trying to be so smart.
Sorry to open an old wound, but I came across this little gem, by Behnisch, the same people who brought us CCBR at U of T.

This site has/had so much potential, and I think this project would have suited the site perfectly- it is the new headquarters for Unilever Germany, Hamburg, which are to be built in Hamburg as part of the Hafencity project.



more images and information at: look for Unilever Hamburg (on the boards)


Sorry to open an old wound, but I came across this little gem, by Behnisch, the same people who brought us CCBR at U of T.

This site has/had so much potential, and I think this project would have suited the site perfectly- it is the new headquarters for Unilever Germany, Hamburg, which are to be built in Hamburg as part of the Hafencity project.


Once again, a whimsical "to be built" rendering, which of course has twice the height allowed in the more restrictive East Bayfront Precinct plan.
The Hafencity development in Hamburg is quite something... I've loved it for awhile now.

I am quite content with First Waterfront Place, but yes, we could have had something 100x better, indeed. :(
We sure about that? Didn't they say the last design would just get some smaller tweaks to comply with WaterfrontToronto's requirements?

I'm sure the skeleton of the building is finalized so they can probably begin construction (even without WT's funding) and finalize the details to access the rest of the funds.

I think they tweaked the project back to more or less what was before - and the money withheld by WT for architectural excellence was released.

So it's full steam ahead I guess. I can't believe all the missed opportunities on the waterfront. Considering there "architectural excellence" strings attached, WT should have just told them they need to start from scratch.
