Site prep work in progress. There are a number of spikes (pins) with little orange ribbons in the parking lot. I wonder if they are survey markers for a sales pavilion.
That is a very large property for only one highrise & commercial at grade. I thought perhaps a town house component or two highrise phases on that site.
That is a very large property for only one highrise & commercial at grade. I thought perhaps a town house component or two highrise phases on that site.

The original proposal for BloorWalk 2 included a large park element behind the tower - perhaps a park is still a part of the new proposal.
A parkette would be excellent
I am curious to see if the building will be set back farther from the street to integrate better with the X Condo, like the twin towers of Radio City. The parkette as I understand it is supposed to be where the illegal parking lot of Phase 1 is now.
Couture's empty parking lot which is closed until Oct. 1st.

There are lots of markings on site which were not there last week


It appears a sales office for Couture Condos is indeed being constructed at the south/east end of the parking lot.
Concrete blocks on a plastic tarp now. Lego for grownups. Oh boy! Let's see what comes next! Instant sales office, pre-assembled?
They're in the business of selling dreams I suppose.

Yes, directly north of the X site. Presuming Couture gets built there will be something of a street wall on Jarvis south of Bloor with X Condos, Couture Condos then the 30-storey Realstar apartment building ("Residences on Bloor") plus Rogers across the street.

Here is the site for X Condos, Couture Condos and the existing Residences on Bloor apartments (right side of photo) on the north/west corner of Jarvis & Charles Sts.

Couture Sales Office?

A pre-fab. sales office for Couture?



Hmm. I can already smell a PoMo odour emanating from it.

Sept. 28th, sales office assembled

