I'm not opposed to the design on this one (in fact I quite like its proportions, etc.) but the execution looks cheap so far, IMO. We'll see.
The quality of the criticism on this page is really low, and remarkably premature at that. Schnitzel? Graziani + Corazza Effect? Neither gibe tells us anything. We don't even see mullion caps on the podium yet, but that's not keeping UT types from machine-gunning it. Load up another clip boys - the last round you fired were blanks.

Sometimes, when it's that obvious, you don't need to see the mullion caps to know how it'll turn out.

I'm annoyed because I bought a unit in this building so it's personal. I tried being as optimistic and ignore all the negative criticism up until now. Now, I'm just disappointed.
What's more, The Graziani + Corazza Effect can be approximated to The Midas Touch wherein everything a certain person (or firm) touches turns into something else. In Midas' case, gold; in C+C's case, unfortunately, crap. In this sense, it can and should be used to describe both the firm's oeuvre generally and any given G+C project project specifically.
What's more, The Graziani + Corazza Effect can be approximated to The Midas Touch wherein everything a certain person (or firm) touches turns into something else. In Midas' case, gold; in C+C's case, unfortunately, crap. In this sense, it can and should be used to describe both the firm's oeuvre generally and any given G+C project project specifically.

Their portfolio is quite underwhelming, loaded with mediocre projects that contribute little to the architectural quality of the neighbourhoods that they're located in. The rare exceptions are Solaris in Scarborough, and Voyager and Explorer at Humber Bay Shores which are impressive, though not quite at the highest standard.
Their portfolio is quite underwhelming, loaded with mediocre projects that contribute little to the architectural quality of the neighbourhoods that they're located in. The rare exceptions are Solaris in Scarborough, and Voyager and Explorer at Humber Bay Shores which are impressive, though not quite at the highest standard.

I too am particularly fond of the Voyager + Explorer @ Humber Bay Shores project ... and of course biased in Solaris :)
Not to mention Aura, which will make a much bigger impact than the vast majority of anything going up in this city in the next few years.
By the virtue of its' location, not necessarily its' design - at this stage, the design of the podium isn't exactly inspiring, but one can wait till the project is complete to render a final judgement. Speaking of impact, one can never quite forget what RoCP did to the Old City Hall clock tower - so I wouldn't quite equate "impact" with "goodness".

As to this particular project - well, it's fine for its' context.

Last edited:
4 March 2012:

