As usual G+C buildings are best viewed from afar. This is another example of their embarrassing attention to details.

I agree with Ramako that it would have been best leaving the overall floorplate to be consistent with the tower profile. Appears to be design indecisiveness on the architects part, like an after-thought to just include a podium that has no flow with the tower above. Reminds me of those awful frontal additions on converted Victorian commercial buildings.
This building would certainly have been better without a tacked-on podium. I quite like the tower itself.
The black curtains do not help. Are they running a photography studio inside?

Yes, the podium is a failure and thus the building takes, instead of giving to the city. I wish the Design Review Board could have saved this somehow.
Agree with the above, lose the podium and it will look fine. Also are they at least going to put some siding or facade on the north side of the podium?? They can't actually be leaving it like that can they??
The City is normally pretty insistent that towers have a podium at their base. It's the rare building (granted, X beside it is semi-rare in this regard without one facing Jarvis) that is allowed to go up without a podium. It's a policy that needs to be applied less broadly and on more of a site-by-site, design-by-design basis.

This area has a quite a wind tunnel effect that it never used to have, I walk it most days with the dog so I know what winds were like there before and after X went up - without a podium. It's interesting how much people love or hate this building. I like the podium on Couture, I think it'll look better once it's completed, windows cleaned and landscaping done though as someone correctly noted it doesn't relate to the tower all too successfully, save for the materials. Btw, the curtains in the windows are a light beige, not black.
April 28






A disappointing lack of green space out back there.
A disappointing lack of green space out back there.

I completely agree with you. When I lived at X, I always wondered what would happen to Couture's "backyard". I remember seeing the Couture site plan and it looked like the entire area would be landscaped / greenspace. Unfortunately, it looks like they decided to put down more pavers than actual greenspace. I do feel for those people living at Couture. Monarch couldn't even put together a decent "backyard" for them. You look at X with their podium swimming pool, bbq area, jacuzzi and outdoor seating/fireplace and then you look next door and what do you see - bike racks and enough pavers that you can play red ass off the Church. And not only that, but they share a pathetic indoor pool with Bloor Walk. It truly is sad when a company cannot get the most important part of a building to work (the podium fronting Ted Rogers Way) and the back portion.
Good god, how many more of these cheap-shit investorboxes are going to go up before somebody - anybody - says "Enough!" Biggest construction boom ever yet 90% of everything built has been pure garbage. Sad state of affairs.
I was driving South on the DVP and noticed Couture had a light feature crowning the mechanical and running up the East side in the middle. I remember reading about this but did not think it would happen. Does anyone have any pictures? It looked cool from afar and I'm curious to get a closer look.
