Re: CrystalBlu redesign.....This just in.

Wow that area is going to become VERY dense if those buildings get built.
Re: CrystalBlu redesign.....This just in.

I went into the two sales centers. No comparison. The finishes in CrystalBlu are much better. Uptown is classic Pemberton crap. They still have their original spec sheets on display complete with laminate flooring. They said that they've since changed that and its engineered hardwood. But you can't enter a marketplace asking $500 a sq ft and even think of cutting corners on finishes. Funniest thing - they have a tv with what your view will look like. Most of the northern views show the lake.

That being said, CrystalBlu is asking a lot more for what you are getting. The difference is about $100 per sq ft. If you are looking at a 800 sq ft place, I'm sure you could finish a unit at the Uptown for $80k yourself and make it look nicer than what you would get at CrystalBlu.

Uptown has their permits and are ready to begin construction once they get the sales. They said they are at 50%. No idea how much longer it will take them to reach 60%. The sales person said the fall. Not too sure. They are getting traffic through the office though.

Crystal Blue said sales are 33%. There are only about 150 units in total. Only 4 per floor. This will be a VERY thin tower. Both the Uptown & CrystalBlu people were very upfront about the other building blocking your view. CrystalBlue sales people much more pushy. My favourite line - "Don't worry about the view. The glass is blue. You can see out but they can't see in".

For the prices they are asking - move into a finished building in the area and save the hassle.

Re: CrystalBlu redesign.....This just in.

Most of the northern views show the lake.

Is that a typo or a marketing flub? Views of the lake would generally be south, except where blocked by Blu
Re: CrystalBlu redesign.....This just in.

Artistic licence by the director I think. Or maybe they are trying to say the views are so great you can even see Lake Simcoe. lol...
Re: CrystalBlu redesign.....This just in.

Their photos were just screwed up. When you clicked on the "north-east" view button a photo that includes the lake popped up.

Re: CrystalBlu redesign.....This just in.

There are only about 150 units in total. Only 4 per floor. This will be a VERY thin tower.

Floor plates are only about 5000 square feet.
Re: CrystalBlu redesign.....This just in.

With the buildings that close together there can only be 4 units per floor in the crystal. This makes it so tennets won';t be stuck with only a view of the Uptown, at leats they will be able to see out towards Balmuto st.
Re: CrystalBlu redesign.....This just in.

^ Sure and right into the Manulife Centre.
Re: CrystalBlu redesign.....This just in.

^WRONG. they are saying over the terrace at Manulife.
Re: CrystalBlu redesign.....This just in.

OK so through the canyon of the north and south Manulife towers into the buildings on the west side of Bay.
Re: CrystalBlu redesign.....This just in.

I guess so. but not a building in your face.
Re: CrystalBlu redesign.....This just in.

Sales are going strongly, Bazis is anticipating to break ground in the winter of 2007.

I've also heard Bazis has been pleased with the market response to their first Toronto venture and they are shopping around for additional development opportunities.
Re: CrystalBlu redesign.....This just in.

Interesting. Not to pump you for information, Mike, but any word on how it's doing relative to the Uptown?
Sales at Uptown have been fairly slow as far as I've heard. The price points were not appropriate for the standards of interior finishes that were being offered and the target market is sophisticated enough to know there are better deals to be had elsewhere.

There was a change in gears several months ago and the marketing campaign changed - that suggests that a different approach was needed to boost sales. It is my understanding that traffic to the sales centre has been slow pretty much since the project opened and I've also heard the placing the sales centre on Yonge St. may have been a strategic mistake.

Now with the two towers in direct competition, Crystal Blu appears to have better value, so that certainly isn't helping Uptown. I wouldn't be suprised if Crystal Blu broke ground first or if Uptown underwent a substantial revision or is cancelled altogether and the site sold to another developer.

Also Uptown has substantially more units to sell then Crystal Blu, so obviously it is going to take longer, but Crystal Blu really did have a very strong start (I've heard as much as 40% sold... but either that is an exagerated figure or there is a strong investor component to those sales).
The star said it was 50% sold and construction to begin in October, but we all know how reliable they are.
