Funny that aA managed to forgo them on 4S, as did James Cheng and Hariri Pontarini on Shangri La and KPF/P+S at the Ritz. It seems the only 200m+ project with spandrel is the one that the talentless hacks at G+C 'designed.'
Funny that aA managed to forgo them on 4S, as did James Cheng and Hariri Pontarini on Shangri La and KPF/P+S at the Ritz. It seems the only 200m+ project with spandrel is the one that the talentless hacks at G+C 'designed.'

Only one of those you just mentioned isn't a 5-star hotel, guess which one? Of course they're going to be building with better materials on 5 star hotels, they're 5 star hotels.

Talentless hacks? Aura is going to be a stunner and one of the best pieces of the skyline.
And there you have it, 'The_Architect' has spoken. Then again, you're the one entrusting one of the largest buildings in Toronto to the firm that foisted this on Etobicoke's waterfront.


Really? Are you getting that degree of yours out of a cereal box?
And there you have it, 'The_Architect' has spoken. Then again, you're the one entrusting one of the largest buildings in Toronto to the firm that foisted this on Etobicoke's waterfront.


Really? Are you getting that degree of yours out of a cereal box?

This coming from the one who decides whether the building is great or not by whether it looks like a cereal box made of glass..

You are one of the most undeservingly pretentious posters on this board, and is basically a Parrot trained by aA to mindlessly promote them no matter how mediocre their designs are.. As proven many times in the past.

Say what you want about Nautilus.. I don't like how much spandrel they're using on that building either, but you can't say the same about Aura when we have aA producing glass shedding cookie cutter boxes all over the city that you drool over.

Get over yourself before you fall off your high horse.
If you can't see the difference, or even qualify what you don't like about something like the Murano/Burano family, then this isn't even worth 'debating.'

I know it isn't worth debating with you. Your hilariously stubborn defensive stance for aA is well known already.

For anybody with a brain, I don't even need to list what I don't like about them. Just to humour you though I'll refer you to the humourous post Canadian National made in the 501 thread:

Meanwhile, check out Aa's exciting new lineup:


Besides from the obvious shedding glass fiasco, nothing aA has designed recently is in the least bit interesting. If you disagree, please list something interesting about Murano (twin bland boxes), Burano (besides the already mentioned podium it's just a plain parallelogram instead of a regular box), Karma (plain glass box), 501 Yonge (nuff said), U Condos (plain glass box, just made the balconies a bit crooked, TOWNHOUSES ON BAY), 42 Charles (Casa clone), MYCcondo (shorter version of Clear Spirit with a more boring podium), NXT (boring glass box), Peter Street (yawn), etc. etc.

I have made it very clear that I do not hate aA. I love Ice, I love Tip Top, I like FS, I like Pier 27, I like Clear Spirit, etc etc. But their act of shedding out cookie cutter glass boxes that either are boring as hell or just a copy of something they already dif is wearing very thin.
You really do sound like some 18th century yokel coming to London for the first time and remarking: "Boy that Wren chap certainly hasn't designed anything "interesting" in the past fifty or so years."
everyone is entitled to their opinion ...

while some are some aA enthusiast (regardless of the design), there are others whom dislike aA's glass box line-up ... just because one doesn't like aA's work does not make their opinion any less valid than the other
You really do sound like some 18th century yokel coming to London for the first time and remarking: "Boy that Wren chap certainly hasn't designed anything "interesting" in the past fifty or so years."


Nice intelligent response there.

Tells me all I need to know.
Breaking News!

A sign has gone up in the windows of the retail unit stating that a Dry Cleaner will be moving in.

(I'm not joking.)
I know it isn't worth debating with you. Your hilariously stubborn defensive stance for aA is well known already.

Very true. There's no point in arguing with Projectend, his bias knows no limits. He's seemingly not capable of objectively analyzing a building on a case by case basis as his point of reference is always the architectural firm. Essentially every aA building is or will be a masterpiece and every G+C building is automatically a disaster. Understanding his narrow minded view point is as simple as that.
