One very unfortunate thing about this building is the garbage dump next door. Discarded furniture on the sidewalk and dumpsters strewn about the street is what greets residents and the smell in the summer is pretty offensive. That building is owned by U of T so maybe some loud screaming and yelling will get them to clean up their act.

I flagged that way back when either in this or the Uptown thread. Further to those smelly, unsightly dumpsters out on the street there is as one walks past them toward Charles Street that whole corner is a rundown disaster. The west side of Balmuto Street is OK (although tired) with the dated flag stone in along the front of Manulife but the east side south of Blu ruins the street.
anyone here notice that this is the most criticized/hated new building in the city? its quite funny,
almost every comment is critical on this building (i'm not saying its a bad thing, its just a funny observation i've noticed).:p
anyone here notice that this is the most criticized/hated new building in the city? its quite funny,
almost every comment is critical on this building (i'm not saying its a bad thing, its just a funny observation i've noticed).:p

I personally don't hate it, I just think it's a big disappointment. I love it's slim profile, I think I like the chipped crystals (I'll wait to decide on that when the front is complete) but it's the materials above that disappointed me. Had this have really turned out blue it could have provided a really sexy contrast against Uptown condos and the Manulife apartments and added some much needed colour around the mostly drab cluster of high-rises in the area.
I don't think it's a bad building, just really bland with some details that looks like a hasty afterthought.
The dagger-shaped glass pieces embedded into the precast panels looks really goofy and reminds me of wine bottles -- like a bad craft project.

The look of the building doesn't live up to the CrystalBlu name. The colour is washed out, almost faded, and there is nothing shiney, sparkley or blue about the building to really warrant it's name.

Unfortunately having a nice very nicely polished building like the Uptown next door doesn't make help ether.
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haha! :D ^^^ its funny reading all your posts. each of them begins with "I personally don't hate it," or "I don't think it's a bad building", and then there's the big BUT! :p :D!. LOL!
I like to be a critic, but balance some good points in as well.
I do that quite often.

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I don't think it's a bad looking building either. What is truly unfortunate are the stupid triangle cuts to the front cladding. These will be left long after all references to the marketing have died off. The whole thing would have had a cleaner, more linear finish had not these stupid things been included.
What is truly unfortunate is the window wall. Given the location and price point, the building should have been clad in curtain wall. All else would have been forgiven if that were the case, including the stupid shards in the podium granite.

[For me, the most hated new developments in the vicinity are: (1) RoCP, (2) 8 Park Rd, (3) Bloor St Neighbourhood, (4) Elev'n21, and (5) James Cooper Mansion.]
Walking by I noticed one of the crystal shard things has been smashed, and it has a nice big spiderweb crack pattern running through it. It's pretty bad because it's right at eye level when you walk by, and I can't see how they could possibly repair it without removing that section of precast (which itself wouldn't be a fun task)
What's with the four missing spandrel panels on the mechanical box of Crystal Blu? It's been that way for weeks. Drives me nuts.
Couple interior shots from Kijiji






^Bathrooms not bad! But the kitchen cabinets? Why not take advantage of the views and window exposure by having clear glass shelving instead of wood cabinets? I'd gut and replace the kitchen.

Nice place to watch 1 Bloor under construction!
The finishes look so ordinary and cheap. I thought this was supposed to be a luxury building? I guess suite owners will rip everything out and replace with high-end stuff anyway...
The finishes look so ordinary and cheap. I thought this was supposed to be a luxury building? I guess suite owners will rip everything out and replace with high-end stuff anyway...

Cheap ass.
Whats wrong with those pics. Not bad. Not bad at all.
Hey, this aint the Ritz, for crying out loud, but it's certainly looks upscale.
The window over the counter/ under the cupboards is unique.
This is nice stuff, especially at these prices.
Go impress everybody with your 'good taste and superior breeding' somewhere else.
