W.A.'s done some high-profile work in Toronto already, albeit non-residential.

A further hint: W.A. was the first person I thought of when I read "UK architect" and "coloured stacks". Hope he's got his pencils sharpened for this one.
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Oxford is poised to kick ass in this city, throwing down the gauntlet for other developers to step up their game. Fantastic.
A Will Alsop design in the Yorkville area would be such a jarring and interesting thing. Are you guys serious about that?

Seems like an odd switch from B+H Architects to Alsop. It's also strange because I don't think he's ever done a building of such height.

I sort of feel like I'm being trolled by you guys because I can't even picture what an Alsop design would look like at this site.
I thought W.A. had given up on Toronto? I don't really see him as a big high-rise guy either, but I'd still love to see what he could come up with. Would certainly play nicely off Four Seasons
If it is indeed true that Will Alsop is handling this site then the information I heard does not relate to this site as I had initially suspected, as it specifically involves a different, albeit international, architect.
This would tie in with what was reported several months ago, as tweeted by @blacktowertv, that Oxford was planning something very tall for Yonge & Bloor, with an architect whose initials are W.A......:cool:

Yeah, Matthew Slutsky of BBH talked about this (maybe Blacktower was his source?) regarding a 100 storey Will Alsop designed condo for Yorkville:

Either way I'm looking forward to what happens, even if a tall WA building is not in the works for this particular site.
It is not Alsop, but again let me stress that this is only schematic design information and it could very well be that Sir "x" will not in fact be doing the work. Oxford is in bed with everyone at the moment it seems. Further to this information - the tower portion would be roughly 42 floors +/- a few. There may very well be towers on the rest of the site, but it seems so far that what would occupy the present day Cumberland terrace site would be more of a podium style building - with potential mid-rise blocks.

Suspense on the architect - think multi-coloured structure or just coloured structure - somewhat mechanical looking - once you figure it out - I will drop another hint as to what the prelim. designs look like.



Sir Richard Foster?

I'm glad that the ridiculous rumours of 100 storey buildings have finally ended.
hmmm a UK firm known for colour... hawkins/brown? (longshot)
Rogers' work can be colourful and def. mechanical...


can you imagine?

Nah, look up the European Court of Human Rights and Barajas airport terminal. I think he has a tendency to use bright colours for functional elements.

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Wow, so even the "worst" architecture in the UK is more interesting, creative, sophisticated and refined than most projects we've built here in the past two decades. Sigh.
