Sugar Beach North feels really dead - it's a lot of open space that's not really inviting. More communal chairs/tables would've been nice, or are they waiting for the restaurant to open and set up a patio?
That’s probably the plan
To be fair, warmer weather and the 'Yard' (whenever that's done) will bring in more crowds. I really do hope that they've considered chairs/tables out there. That area is generally fairly dead outside the summer season, and the weather hasn't really been all that great.
It will be fillled once The Yard is open for business. When both residence towers are occupied with OCAD, George Brown operating, people will be complaining about too crowded.
Can't wait for a kid to trip over the stairs resulting in the city fencing it off indefinitely. It's Toronto, and it's inevitable.
It will be fillled once The Yard is open for business. When both residence towers are occupied with OCAD, George Brown operating, people will be complaining about too crowded. View attachment 189247

People don't congregate where there's nothing/nowhere to sit, see, or do, though -- those elements have to be present, and they currently aren't.
