Booster Juice. The only thing it boosts is your blood sugar. 🙄
I always associate the brand with Jose Bautista. Brave move peaking athletically in your mid-30s and taking your biggest endorsement deal as "Booster Juice." We miss you Jose, even if you had some "help"
Ugly tower nice pic
Wow impressed with the tenant selection here. The area will definitely benefit from it as it establishes itself as a neighbourhood.

So, I walked by with a friend recently who expressed disappointment with the dining options - other than GLB - and likened them to that of a mall food court. More Bayview Village than Pickering Town Centre, but I kind of see what they mean. Even the Laboratorio Italia has a sanitized, blah-ness to it. I'm sure the rents keep out anything other than corporations/franchises and anything with actual character.
