That concrete makes the subway station look so . . . unfinished. Maybe it represents the state of the Sheppard line in general?

I couldn't agree more, the bare concrete is a real shame. I also can't understand why the station name signs aren't a light colour to make them easier to read.
oh come on now - lets really get serious about things - littering = death penalty! (and I am not being sarcastic)

I think that larger fines that people would actually have to pay for littering would do the trick without human rights violations :p . Society's shouldn't reach that point.
Never. Whether it means shoving it in my pocket, bag, or carrying it until I get home I have ALWAYS been able to find a garbage can in which to dispose of my garbage. I just can't accept a lack of garbage cans as any sort of an excuse; I've never had any sort of trouble finding one in Toronto.

I think I didn't explain myself fully. By no means do I advocate littering, ever. I will hold onto my trash for blocks before even considering littering but I think my comments about the dearth of garbage cans in the core was too-quickly avoided. I think its fantastic that you have always been able to find an available recepticle for your trash; I haven't. Sure they're often there but I find that when I am in certain areas of the city, there never seems to be one around.

Your story on the other hand, demonstrates that there are still some individuals whose immature, self-centered nature causes them to believe that such actions are appropriate. I think we all have stories about times we've whitnessed others treat the city with boorish disregard. Not only is this inconsiderate, it speaks to a more general problem. In European cities (and I'm sure some Asian ones as well) there are teams of people with small machines whose only job is to take care of street litter. They cycle through the city emptying trash cans and clearing away errant refuse. Perhaps an adapted form of that system would solve Toronto's trash woes? Conversely, the 'babysiter'/'others-will-clean-it' nature of such a system could only serve to make people even more environmentally lethargic...

...I still think more garbage cans would solve much of the problem though.
It's just the way people are raised. There are a lot of pigs out there, not only in the city, but in the burbs/countryside as well.

You'd be surprised how much litter I see when I cycle up north in the countryside. You see Tim Hortons and Mc'Donalds litter all over the place. I guess it's easier for people to just throw litter out the window instead of holding on to it till they get home.

I agree, that there are not enough garbage cans in the city. There's not enough anything in the city. There should be more benches for the eldery, more landscaping, more this, more that.

And try this link.

UNREAL! Where to begin? Well, looks like ParkPlace is equal distance between the lake and that Canadian Tire. I like the Sim City vibe but that would never make me want to buy there. If this is the next step for rendering and condo sales then the crash is around the corner.


What's the problem? Specifically?

I think the park should be located where the Ikea is; the Ikea should be at the base of a 4 condo towers near Bessarion Stn and the park should be smaller. I hate all these new developments with huge boring parks: either you live in a dense city with small squares or you live amongst the Amish!
^^ Yeah, the "render" (if you can call it a render) is way too playful to be taken seriously. That's my issue.

In response to Urbandreamer's comments -- you make a great point about the IKEA. It would be ideal if big-box retail were combined with condos in these types of neighhourhoods as to demand more density and mix of uses. The Ryerson/Canadian Tire example at Bay/Dundas is a good example of combining uses. It isn't a big leap from there to a big-box/condo split. But I disagree about the park component. First, the park won't be *that* big. If that render is to be taken seriously, the park will be larger than the Island, the CBD, and probably Mars (the planet, not the discovery district) combined. I like the idea of large parks with the new developments.
