Scaled Model

please excuse the poor quality phone camera ... Towers A, B, D, E and Townhosues C in Discovery 1+2 shown, view from north and east respectively

Considering how otherwise boring it looks, I too hope that it has that colour - and is that small.
Concord Adex just sent out letters to purchasers in Tower A+B to push the estimated occupancy date back 1 year (orginally Sept 2009) ... wait and see for MORE delays to come
The colours on the roof feature look great!

The base on that same tower looks like the bottom of Woodsworth College's (UofT) newer building @ Bloor and St. George. Which is a very very good thing.
Sept 9/08 Update

Esther Shiner remains yet to be opened ... view from Old Leslie Street looking west ... it appears provisions for pedestrian connection to the GO train station are provided though

November 4 2008 update

some crazy site excavation works underway ... lots of activity here ~ :)

Are you all okay with the renaming of this thread? While the first eleven pages of posts only deal site as a whole, as of page 12 the Discovery buildings enter the picture and we focus increasingly on them. I figure that if we continue to keep the thread open to all phases at Concord Park Place it will become unmanageably long. Thoughts?

I like what you've done I-42 (and thanks !)

I think it would be a good idea to keep this thread to Discovery 1+2 only ... while creating new threads as new blocks of developments come up, much like what was done for Cityplace threads (Montage, Luna, WestOne, etc) :)
I think what your reading is just the headings...the dotted lines identify the scope of 1 and 2. It's not a very clear site plan.
