^ I'd guess it's basically everything between Bessarion and the railroad tracks except for IKEA and McDonald's, but I'm basing this on the old site plan I have. The part that Canadian Tire is keeping could just be the store plus some parking/expansion space, etc.
That's nice, but the people who actually live there do like them. I've heard people rave about Amica...

I've heard the same thing about Tridel as well! Doesn't mean though that they someone should be able to build a subdivision of repetitive looking condos. NY towers, Empire, Rockefeller, whats next? G.E., Sears, Liberty, State, ...

I can only imagine the cheezy concept/repetitiveness if they had purchased this piece of land instead of Concord. Repetitive glass in my opinion is much better than repetitive cheese. They probably would have a London theme, with the first couple called Canary Wharf Towers, with the next building names coined 'Millenium', and 'Thames', and 'Big Ben'

Most of these people that buy into these projects don't care, its just a place to live with access to what they want (ie. highways, transit, etc) - who also don't care if Toronto's skyline is boxy and don't mind if more boxes get built. No standards, just practicality.
Make way for yet another low-end vertical subdivision courtesy of the HK billionaire who has never set foot in this town. Big win for contractors, architects, engineers, and City coffers. HUGE loss for the good people of Toronto/North York who actually care about the quality and style of their city's architectual landscape.

I can hear the dumb money speculators salivating as this news hit the wire.
^After reading that I finally understand what I must have sounded like in my teenage years, raging against capitalism and the suburbs with great volume and little substance.

I don't necessarily disagree with your point jb, but I have to say you might want to learn how to articulate your points in a somewhat more constructive manner.

Edit: Nevermind that last point. A little rage could be good for this forum.
The answer is higher design standards at City Hall. The City has the capability to demand quality architecture and a streetscape that makes sense. As I have said before I think standards at Cityplace could have been higher (although admittedly it is still a work in progress); let's see if high or mediocre standards will prevail up in Canadian Tire land.
"who actually care about the quality and style of their city's architectual landscape. "

care to provide some realistic examples (otherwise your little rants are somewhat meaningless)
HUGE loss for the good people of Toronto/North York who actually care about the quality and style of their city's architectual landscape.

A good chunk of the said individuals are also those who feel houses with garages facing the street is ideal. Somehow, I don't think they are the paragon of good taste.






You've heard the argument before I'm sure- build STREETSCAPES, not GIANT WIND TUNNELS. Connect the buildings to the community, don't ISOLATE them from it.

I am NOT an architect or planner. Just a huge critic. I agree with Walt wholeheartedly- the City needs to take full design control of these mega- housing projects. Concord Adex does what's best for Concord Adex- namely large scale low-end housing projects. The people of this town deserves better for their tax dollars than mediocre and less than mediocre glass jail cells. I have no problem with height- but bring the buildings TO THE STREET!

My rant/rage is just that- venting. My thurst for profit surely rivals any fellow capitalist on this forum. I pray to the pulpit of WALL STREET and praise all efforts towards new & exciting development.

However, I remain devoutly critical of huge foreign companies who opportunistically descend on OUR landscape to essentially rape our communities with the indelible scar of poor taste. We must suffer the consequences of their self-indulgences. At least NY Towers has SOME connection to its surroundings. CityPlace is nothing more than a ghetto of the future. I praise all the contractors, lawyers, architects, engineers and consultants who benefitted from its creation but fear the consequences down the road to the vibrancy and pulse of this City. Our higher density role model should be Manhattan- not Houston.


What does it have anything to do with whether they're foreign or not? It's not like Tridel has been doing a great job on street level design anyways.

I've also found the praise for NY towers ironic, especially considering the amount of urban design work that went into Cityplace west of Spadina.


Whatever it is, I bet jb's got a real mean one.

"What does it have anything to do with whether they're foreign or not? It's not like Tridel has been doing a great job on street level design anyways."

Agreed. Tridel is not exemplary by any means. The reference to foreign was meant to suggest that the perveyors of this kind of junk are less accountable because they are not members of the community- toronto or canadan and therefore less likely to be accountable for the mess that they dump on the citizens of this City. I know, I know, it's a free market/free society and no one is coerced into buying/living in these kinds of mega-ghettos, but I also believe that when a City as powerless as Toronto is dangled so much potential tax revenue and short term employment opportunties (to be fair that is a real consideration) their eyes conveniently gravitate to the dollar grab and overlook the gaping hole in our urban landscape that is created.

"I've also found the praise for NY towers ironic, especially considering the amount of urban design work that went into Cityplace west of Spadina."

Hardly praise. I just think that the uniformity of this project is vastly superior to the haphazard jungle of windtunnels that dominates the lands west of the skydome.

Were I the resident planning czar I would have insisted on the creation of new roadways to bring this massive property into the urban grid and thereby generating a desirable urban lanscape instead of the St. Jamestown-inspired shantytown that it will undoubtedly evolve into over a short time.

Somebody forgot to take his happy pills.
