I was laughing when I first saw the "art". I guess my interpretation of this art is different than what others see. My first impression was why are there flying turds stuck on rusty pipes and metal? And why does it look like there's stuff dripping into the concrete? I mean you could take your pet and have it take a poo poo there and it'll look the same.

What do you tell people who want to head to the shuttle station? Just follow the turd into lego land. I was thinking I could build those townhomes using yellow and brown LEGO pieces as a model . As for the 407 transponder, I think there's going to be an express casino route for the old folks. You might see those tour buses come in for pick up and drop off as well. Just kidding (I hope). hah
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I own a suite in Discovery 1. I had one of the earlier PDI's and also commented on the lobby, which was VERY lacking. Maybe you wont have a lot of visitors, so it could be OK, but not for me. As for the town houses... no offence to anybody that owns one, but from the outside, it looks like community housing. I'm just saying.

Occupancy in just over a week. Weeeeee.
Those photos by drum18 make the finished product look quite good, though the yellow brick on the townhouses looks kind of cheap. That and the blue signage and bland concrete retaining walls for the landscaping seen in this photo:

There's arguably too much ordinary concrete used in the landscaping and urban design here. Fortunately, it's enlivened by the pattern of thin, darker lines and sections of pavers, but more interlocking pavers and natural stone would produce a design that would probably retain its appeal for a longer period of time. Overall, the landscaping and public art look good, but these paving and retaining wall choices are important details that are too often overlooked in large-scale projects.
I live in parade and we got a notice last week that the glass on all balconies would be covered (like Tiff bell lightbox) because the glass supplier was the same one as on buildings that have been having glass breaks.
The covering is black and you can see it on the top 2 levels in that last photo, but it's already down to bridge level as of now

I just noticed the black netting yesterday.
It's only on the taller tower from the 10th floor up (above the podium level).
It actually makes the tower look more interesting.

This may explain the black netting I saw on on the upper floor balconies of the 2 Discovery towers (A+B) ....
I don't think the yellow brick looks cheap as some people have said... it looks like a pretty average brick. I think it's the townhomes' light grey window frames that look a bit cheap. I don't mind it much though, they are still nicer than most suburban home designs.
they have been changing the glass on upper floor balconies and... it looks awful! black glass balconies with white and green claddings? come on
they have been changing the glass on upper floor balconies and... it looks awful! black glass balconies with white and green claddings? come on

Those balconies are wrap in mesh, as they have the same problems as other buildings by the looks.

Saw this yesterday and the black mesh enhance the buildings more than the glass from my point of view. All the balconies are coverup now.

Spot Coffee should open either the end of the month or early December. They are hiring staff at this time.

Spot took all the rental retail space on the north side of the plaza. BMO has the south side. A dentistry is going in on the north side retail, leaving one unit to leas as well the customer care office.

Saw a number of fridges being remove from one tower with new ones going in to replace them.
A dentistry is going in on the north side retail, leaving one unit to leas as well the customer care office.

There are more retail units that are not leased. There are 6 units that have not been leased according to - http://www.concordadexretail.com/pp/content/retailOpp.asp

The dentists office is still sitting empty and there is no sign of any construction. I am not sure how viable a dentists office is downstairs when you have an established and open dentistry right at the Canadian Tire.
I saw discussion on the previous page about retail and grocery stores in this area. Has anybody heard anything more recently about grocery stores or banks coming to this area?
I saw discussion on the previous page about retail and grocery stores in this area. Has anybody heard anything more recently about grocery stores or banks coming to this area?

Living in one of the buildings (and moving out soon), I can tell you that nothing has been leased as far as retail goes. Spot Coffee, which was somewhat like Starbucks, lasted only 6 months and owes Concord millions in back payments. There is a dentist office that has been under construction for what seems like a year, but other than that - no leases have been signed and I don't suspect they will be. The retail units are 1) expensive 2) have no parking essentially and 3) have bad street presence. You can keep up to date with the retail at - http://www.concordadexretail.com/pp/content/retailOpp.asp
how does a company that was only in business for 6 months owe millions in backpayments?
Bad street presence seems to be the norm for suburban mixed use buildings. It's as if they decided to make the signage as small as possible.
Can you take pics of the units ? There have been other developments that have done a good job at this ...
