Going to Oktoberfests with my parents in the 80's, Kitchener felt like a real backwater to me. Now it has tall buildings, technology corporations, and even a streetcar along a surprisingly vibrant downtown street. Fascinating.
Downtown Kitchener felt like that in early 2000's when I was a student at UW. I need to go back and spend a few days walking around KW to see all the changes in the last 10-15 years.
Same in the late 2000's and early 2010's. Even though the WatCard offered free bus transit in the Tri-City area, I wasn't really aware of anyone who'd actually make the trek over to Kitchener for anything notable. Anything social life related always revolved around either the UW Plaza, Uptown Waterloo along King, or Conestoga Mall. It's been years but I still miss going to Jane Bond at Princess & King.
Same in the late 2000's and early 2010's. Even though the WatCard offered free bus transit in the Tri-City area, I wasn't really aware of anyone who'd actually make the trek over to Kitchener for anything notable. Anything social life related always revolved around either the UW Plaza, Uptown Waterloo along King, or Conestoga Mall. It's been years but I still miss going to Jane Bond at Princess & King.

Many describe KW as a "mini Toronto" but to each their own! ops I should mention I seen the transformation started in late 2014, I lived there for approximately 7 years from 2014-2021!
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Not back when it was around 2008-10-ish or earlier than that. Majority of the transformation has been in the past 10 years or so.
I say the biggest transformation is around the University area, Uptown Waterloo and Downtown Kitchener...the LRT was a game-changer!
I say the biggest transformation is around the University area, Uptown Waterloo and Downtown Kitchener...the LRT was a game-changer!
I'd argue still not a whole lot in Waterloo. The city council is ass backwards when it comes to high rise proposals in the core. Many major developments that seem to have just been sitting for years now and are probably abandoned at this point.

University area and downtown kitchener definitely have a big city vibe now though.
New photo series taken on a quiet Monday night yesterday.

Move ins will likely start within the next few months, I'm curious how the foot traffic here will change when it's occupied. Right now it's rather eerie all dark at night, usually construction lights would be left on.

The recently redone parkette in front is busy occasionally with people eating at the tables and enjoying the space, will likely be more so when the food block across the street reopens with restaurants again. The variety of seating and lighting is appreciated.


The ground level is pretty abysmal on the tower, so I didn't really feel like even taking a photo of it up close. You can see it in this photo and this is about as close as you wanna get. Maybe with some good retail I'd actually wanna look at it.

The memorial park across the street was also recently redone with better lighting, pavers, and seating. Lost some larger trees in the process though which I think could've been saved.

Photo series from yesterday, with some editing this time.

Starting with my favourite shot I think, the new urban backdrop from the schoolyard.


The pace of unit fit out has been very slow, you can tell from earlier photos to now based on the lit up rooms at night.

The tower looks okay at a distance, but walking up close to it isn't worth it. As I said before, IN8 has done way better podiums on their misdrises, I don't know what happened to make this one so soulless and flat. I can only blame SRM, and since their offices are close to this thing, I hope it haunts them.


The street murals around town are always a joy. With all the new buildings around I'd hope to see these sidewalks brimming with life soon.

The lamp post hides the fact there is still an unfished section months later...


Just for fun since I usually listen to new music while going for walks like this: the album I was listening to was: Let's Do It - Minako Yoshida (1978), track #6 was especially a bop.

