No new renderings are updated in the database!

Details of the development project are updated in the database. The total development consists of 4 buildings. The overall building storey counts went from 39, 35, 23 and 9 storeys to 36, 20, 19 and 9 storeys. Total building heights went from 133.40m, 121.10m, 86.80m & 36.00m to 125.03m, 76.53m, 73.05m & 33.15m. Total unit counts changed from 373 & 807 units to 777 & 423 units. Lastly, the overall parking spaces decreased from 771 parking spaces to 760 parking spaces.
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Saw this pic today, and couldn't resist..........

It deserves a high profile spot, for a current project, rather than the Then and Now thread....

Dufferin Plaza in 1957. The prior location of Dufferin Park Racetrack and now of Dufferin Mall.


Source: Old Toronto Series - Facebook Group - (City Archives)

Perspective appears to be from Dufferin Grove Park, looking north-east.
Crazy that an entire block of houses was razed for that sports field on the top left!

The sports field is/was for the High School, which was built where more houses were razed on the north side of that street.
(The former Brockton Collegiate/Ursula Franklin Acadamy)

That school is now gone.

Built expressly to cope w/the Baby Boom, it was no long required in the current era.
The sports field is/was for the High School, which was built where more houses were razed on the north side of that street.
(The former Brockton Collegiate/Ursula Franklin Acadamy)

That school is now gone.

Built expressly to cope w/the Baby Boom, it was no long required in the current era.
The school building was also the former temporary location of the Royal Conservatory of Music when its usual location next to the ROM was being renovated.
The sports field is/was for the High School, which was built where more houses were razed on the north side of that street.
(The former Brockton Collegiate/Ursula Franklin Acadamy)

That school is now gone.

Built expressly to cope w/the Baby Boom, it was no long required in the current era.
The thing that drives me crazy is thinking that the TDSB demolished the former Brockton HS/Ursula Franklin Academy (GO FLAMES!) to ...wait for it... build another high school on that exact site.
I think this Dufferin Mall development is great, but I hope it improves the terrible pedestrian connection between the mall and Dufferin subway station. Currently the most direct route between the mall and the subway is by dodging cars in the parking lot. There should be a NE/SW pedestrian walkway where the Taco Bell is now.
